Born into a world of privilege, Jacqueline Bouvier, later known as Jackie Kennedy (and later, as Jackie Onassis—or simply “Jackie O”) spent her early years bouncing from one storied enclave of wealth to another. As a young girl, she lived between her birthplace of Southampton, New York, and 740 Fifth Avenue, a legendary Manhattan co-op known for its über-wealthy residents and a notoriously difficult board approval process. Upon her 1953 marriage to John F. Kennedy, Jackie would count the famed Kennedy compound among her impressive list of abodes. Alongside that legendary estate—and another, the White House—Jackie also maintained homes in the Georgetown area of Washington, DC, where she lived while attending George Washington University. Following the assassination of JFK, the widow raised her children in New York, which was her home base up to her death in 1994. Read on for a look into some of the spots the former first lady called home.