It's Time for Rashida Tlaib's Expulsion From Congress


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Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib’s behavior during Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to a joint session of Congress on Wednesday was more than reprehensible.

It was definitively grounds for expulsion.

Tlaib sat stone-faced, having no other version, and taunted Netanyahu during his speech with an auction-style paddle that alternately read “War Criminal” and “Guilty of Genocide.”

The Michigan Democrat, who is Palestinian American and one of just three Muslim members of Congress, now moves beyond being a simple anti-American oddity and is nearly indiscernible from the radicals in Washington, D.C., who on the same day removed and burned American flags at Union Station, replacing them with Palestinian flags.

She and the protesters you saw yesterday are practically interchangeable. Given the opportunity to hold up a “war criminal” sign, those anti-American scum in the street would have leaped at the opportunity. Likewise, given a chance to burn an American flag and replace it with a Palestinian flag, Tlaib would almost assuredly happily swap roles.

“I have a message for these protesters,” Netanyahu said during his address to Congress. “When the tyrants of Tehran, who hang gays from cranes and murder women for not covering their hair, are praising, promoting and funding you, you have officially become Iran’s useful idiots.”

Useful idiot for those who harbor and promote terrorists defines Tlaib’s short career in Congress. But for some reason, while there was a lot of criticism of her actions from Republican lawmakers, there was a noticeable lack of action.

Tlaib, having already been censured for her anti-Israel comments and for promoting war propaganda from Hamas in 2023, has a rich and established history of obscene behavior promoting terrorist sympathizers and denouncing American allies.

Five months prior to the October 7th terror attack on Israel perpetrated by Hamas and several other Palestinian militant groups, Tlaib posed for pictures and spoke to attendees at an art show advocating for Israel’s destruction and promoting known terrorists.

The Squad member posed with organizers and attendees in the gallery, which featured artwork depicting slogans used by terrorist organizations — “Power To Our Freedom Fighters, Glory To Our Martyrs,” and “Zionism will fall,” among others.

The gallery even featured artwork from a former spokesman of the “Palestinian Islamic Jihad,” a U.S.-designated terrorist group known for conducting suicide bombings. The group, an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, held 30 hostages after the attack on Israel.

‘Power to our freedom fighters.’

‘Glory to our Martyrs.’

Less than two weeks after the attacks that killed nearly 1,200 people (including at least 14 Americans) and wounded another 3,400, Tlaib tearfully incited a pro-Palestinian riot in D.C. by parroting Hamas propaganda about a hospital attack that turned out to be disinformation.

Hundreds of insurrectionists were arrested.

This past April, Tlaib refused to condemn chants of “death to America” shouted at a rally in Dearborn, Michigan, in her district.

Tlaib’s behavior has advanced to the point where it warrants expulsion. Without question.

It’s not okay for a member of Congress to promote artwork and propaganda from known terrorists. It’s not okay for a member of Congress to incite a riot consisting of Hamas sympathizers.

And it’s sure as hell not okay for a member of Congress to passively support chants of “death to America.”

The censure resolution states that the Squad’s most hysterical member – and that’s saying something – “repeatedly displayed conduct entirely unbecoming of a Member of the House of Representatives” and for “dangerously promoting false narratives” about an American ally in Israel.

That behavior has clearly not abated.

Rep. Randy Weber (R-TX) said of Tlaib’s most recent stunt that she needs to be “run out of town.”

It needs to happen, posthaste. Congress’s most blatant “useful idiot” must be removed.

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Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes health, sport, tech, and more. Some of her favorite topics include the latest trends in fitness and wellness, the best ways to use technology to improve your life, and the latest developments in medical research.

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