It’s also a good idea to call in a professional if you have had little experience working with electricity, as that disposal under the sink not only involves power but also water, which can create a dangerous situation. Garbage disposals are not expensive, so replacing a faulty unit is not a bad idea, and hiring someone to do the replacement for you is often smart if you’re not a trained professional.
Garbage disposal repair FAQs
How can you prevent garbage disposal jams?
Allison Harrison, co-owner of Goodbee Plumbing, explains that proper garbage disposal use can prevent issues in the first place. “The first rule of owning and operating a garbage disposal is to always run cold water while the unit is in use and for 20 to 30 seconds after the disposal is switched off,” she says. “Cold water keeps the motor from overheating and allows the food waste to flush through properly. And avoid certain foods; though kitchen garbage disposals are powerful devices, some foods are better suited for the trash can than the sink.”
What kinds of foods should never go into a garbage disposal?
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It’s a pretty long list, actually. “Never pour leftover cooking fat, oil, or grease down the drain,” Harrison says. “While it remains liquid on the stovetop, it will congeal and clog your pipes once it cools. Coffee grounds can similarly cause clogs as they accumulate. Other foods to avoid include fibrous vegetables, such as celery, onion skins, artichokes, and asparagus. Animal matter such as fish or chicken bones, eggshells, and seafood shells should also go straight into the trash.”
How do I clean a garbage disposal?
“Basic cleaning of your disposal is easy,” says Boylen. “Just run hot water from the faucet, put dish soap into the drain, and then turn the unit on for a few seconds.” You can perform a more intense cleaning that can clear out stubborn bits of food waste by tossing a handful of ice cubes, adding a large scoop of course salt, then running the water and switching the disposal on. Adding baking soda and vinegar to a disposal and running it can clean the unit and reduce odors.
How long do garbage disposals last?
Garbage disposals are hearty machines. Many last as long as 15 years. The average “lifespan” of a garbage disposal is usually close to 8 to 10 years—still quite a good run for a device you use all the time that often costs well under $100.
When should I replace my garbage disposal?
When your garbage disposal isn’t working properly and can’t be fixed using any of the methods laid out here, it might be time to replace it. The fact is, getting a brand new garbage disposal will likely cost less than the labor charge you’d get from a professional plumber, so replacing a failing unit is the better move financially, if you cannot repair it yourself.