Homerun: Texas Rangers Earn Plaudits After 'Pride Night' Stance Prompts Fresh Round of Woke Fretting


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For many years now, major league sports teams have thoroughly beclowned themselves with their repeated attempts at appeasing woke LGBTQ mobs who demand total compliance. 

That compliance has included not just training employees on the supposed benefits of gay/trans “inclusivity” but also forcing it on the loyal fans in attendance at their games via “Pride Night” and other supposed “family-oriented” events that sometimes turn out to be not so family-friendly.

While the mob has had what they surely would define as some successes in this endeavor, they’ve also seen a warranted amount of backlash to the point that some leagues, like the NHL, decided to just ditch Pride Night festivities altogether because it was becoming so problematic among players and fans alike.

READ MORE: NHL Season Opens With Media, Activists Angered Over ‘Pride Night’ Ban – They Have Themselves to Blame

Of the 30 teams in Major League Baseball, 29 of them have a Pride Night during the course of their season. But not the Texas Rangers.

Outside of an event they held in 2003 that was similar to Pride Night but much more low-key, they have steadfastly refused to give in to the outrage machine mouthpieces in the media and beyond on the issue, insisting that what they’re doing by not having a dedicated Pride Night is what true inclusivity is all about.

Here we are in 2024, and as Pride Month winds down with less than a week to go, the media fretting around the Rangers’ stance has once again cranked up:

WFAA reported in their story about the Rangers’ “consistent” statement regarding Pride Nights, saying they are committed to making sure everyone feels welcomed and included:

“Our longstanding commitment remains the same: To make everyone feel welcome and included in Rangers baseball — in our ballpark, at every game, and in all we do — for both our fans and our employees. We deliver on that promise across our many programs to have a positive impact across our entire community.”

The article also pointed out that though the Rangers don’t have an official Pride Night that they have worked with some local and national groups and organizations:

The Rangers were a sponsor of the NAGAAA Gay Softball World Series in 2022 when the event took place in Dallas and Waxahachie. The club participated in the opening ceremonies in Dallas and worked with the local organizers and NAGAAA officials on several initiatives for the event.

The team is working on initiatives with local groups, including the Pegasus Slow-Pitch Softball Association, which promotes quality amateur softball at all levels of play with a special emphasis on the participation of members of the LGBTQ+ community.


The Rangers have worked in the past [with] the Resource Center, which provides programs and assistance to LGBTQ+ communities and anyone impacted in North Dallas by HIV/AIDS through advocacy, health and education. Team employees volunteer and support Resource Center events.

In other words, the Texas Rangers decide when, where, and how (often) they participate in local LGBTQ functions, not the Alphabet Mafia.

In response to the media handwringing, fans weighed in.

“My family drives from OKC down to watch the Texas Rangers play.  Totally based!” wrote one.

I fully support the Texas Rangers. Thanks for staying the course.  There’s no  ‘Pride Night’ in Texas Baseball!” observed another.

I should note for the record that the Rangers did hold a “Pride Night” of sorts in 2022 – a Charley Pride bobblehead night, that is:

Very cool – and based – indeed.

Related –>> WATCH: Boston Celtics Coach Solidifies ‘Based’ Status With Singular Defining Post-Championship Moment

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Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes health, sport, tech, and more. Some of her favorite topics include the latest trends in fitness and wellness, the best ways to use technology to improve your life, and the latest developments in medical research.

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