Eco-lovers in the UK can now be buried in the world’s first ‘living coffin’ – which decomposes faster and is made out of mushrooms. The coffins are grown out of pliable mycelium – a mat of fibres and upcycled hemp plants – rather than traditional wood. The mycelium, which grows like thread, aids decomposition by breaking down biological matter – biograding within just 45 days. Mycelium is the root structure of mushrooms. Made by Dutch company Loop Biotech, the coffins can be grown in just a week and “feed the earth with your very own nutrients”. Funeral director Poetic Endings in Forest Hill, southeast London, were the first in the UK to offer one of these unique coffins – officially starting to stock them last week. Founder Louise Winter, 38, said: “Brexit made it slightly more complicated to get things into the country, so I am thrilled that we can finally offer them.