Foundation for a Drug-Free World Reaches Out at the 79th Annual National PAL Training Conference to Empower Youth With Effective Drug Education


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Helping reach children early enough to ensure they grow up safe and drug-free

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports drug overdoses are killing young Americans in unprecedented numbers. To help turn the tide on this epidemic, Foundation for a Drug-Free World reached out to those attending the annual National Police Athletic and Activities League (PAL) Training Conference at the Wyndham San Diego Bayside Hotel May 7 – May 10. Drug-Free World volunteers and staff introduced those attending the conference to their acclaimed Truth About Drugs drug education and prevention initiative, which they provide free of charge to anyone wishing to help kids on this urgent subject.

National PAL’s mission and activities are based on the conviction that young people, reached early enough, are more likely to become productive adults and agents of positive change.

The Truth About Drugs youth-friendly booklets and videos help accomplish this purpose. They get through to young people, keeping them interested and engaged. The Truth About Drugs documentary drives home the message, as former addicts share harrowing stories of how they were trapped in the dwindling spiral of addiction.

“Truth About Drugs materials can also contribute to PAL’s mission to provide youth with leadership opportunities to help others,” said Foundation for a Drug-Free World Executive Director Jessica Hochman. “Our program not only helps young people make the firm decision not to experiment with drugs, it also helps them take responsibility for their peers, their siblings—even their parents—and gives them the confidence that they can set an example for others. With your commitment to helping youth and our drug-prevention campaign and free online courses, we can truly save lives.”

The Truth About Drugs program is the largest and most comprehensive nongovernmental drug education and prevention program of its kind. It is overseen by the Foundation for a Drug-Free World, a secular nonprofit public benefit corporation that empowers youth and adults with factual information about drugs so they can make informed decisions and live drug-free. The program is used by teachers, school counselors, drug education specialists and law enforcement officers around the world. Its drug-free message reaches millions of people each year. 

Inspired by Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard, who found drugs to be “the single most destructive element present in our current culture,” Scientology Churches and Scientologists support Foundation for a Drug-Free World, making it possible to provide its materials free of charge to schools, civic groups, governments, law enforcement, and individuals and institutions in the private sector.

To see the campaign in action visit and watch short documentaries introducing change makers of all faiths, cultures and nations who use this and other humanitarian programs to better their communities and society.

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Alexandra Williams
Alexandra Williams
Alexandra Williams is a writer and editor. Angeles. She writes about politics, art, and culture for LinkDaddy News.

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