Future prospects of any kind don’t seem to be getting any better for Democrats. They clearly have not learned anything from the November election, nor has their propaganda arm, the mainstream media. While they might describe it as a time of “transition,” it could be better described as a time when they’ll throw anything against the wall to see if it sticks. With Bill and Hillary Clinton having ascended to the roles of elder statesmen of the party and Barack Obama supposedly busy building his library, who might be looking good for them in 2028? Well, get ready for a possible blast from the past.
This sums up how Chicagoans feel about Rahm Emanuel. He left with a mid 20’s approval rating. President? Hell no. But the article is a diversion. We all know our governor, the richest politician in the country, is running. A deal has been made for Rahm to pull the National… pic.twitter.com/aNHqywEuPx
— Ja’Mal Green (@JaymalGreen) March 12, 2025
A deal has been made for Rahm to pull the National strings for him to put him somewhere else. Governor? Senate? We shall see.
Former Chicago mayor and former Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, fresh off his gig as Joe Biden’s Ambassador to Japan, might be looking for another government job, the biggest one of all, president of the United States. Emanuel returned from Japan in January and immediately began upping his public image. He has hit the high-profile media and speech circuit for left-wing organizations like Democracy Forward. Emanuel also has snagged himself a sweet CNN contract, and a regular column in “The Washington Post.”
READ MORE: Is the Democratic Party Ready to Face Its Own Truth?
But the former hizzoner of the Windy City may not be done being a servant of the people just yet. Emanuel recently stated, “I’ve only been back two months, and I have no idea what I’m doing. I’m not done with public service and I’m hoping public service is not done with me.” So, how is Emanuel dipping his toe back into the political waters? During some recent speaking engagements, he appeared to be doing what the rest of his party has not figured out yet that it is what they should be doing as well, pivoting to the center. During a recent appearance with Bill Maher, Emanuel gave his party a smackdown, saying,
“I don’t want to hear another word about the locker room. I don’t want to hear another word about the bathroom. You better start focusing on the classroom … In seventh grade, if I had known I could’ve said the word ‘they’ and gotten in the girls’ bathroom, I would’ve done it. We are literally a superpower, we’re facing off against China with 1.4 billion people and two-thirds of our children can’t read eighth grade level.”
JUST IN: Barack Obama still wants his FOURTH term.
In related news, Obama’s former chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, plans to run for president in 2028 pic.twitter.com/VIqJEPxeMk
— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) March 12, 2025
The million-dollar question would be, is Rahm Emanuel left enough for today’s Democrat party? If his remarks about education are sincere, he almost certainly would face some brutal pushback from the far left of the party. His comments on the defunding of USAID in February would also not win him many friends from that wing either. At the time, he stated:
“You don’t fight every fight. You don’t swing at every pitch. And my view is — while I care about the USAID as a former ambassador — that’s not the hill I’m going to die on.”
ALSO READ: ‘What’s Going On in Chicago?’: Rahm Emanuel Actually Has a Good Answer for Bill Maher on Why Dems Lose
He would be a divisive figure for sure. His tenure as Mayor of Chicago was “colorful.” In 2012, a large custodial contract was awarded to a company whose vice president and owner had alleged mob ties. Emanuel also allegedly used a private email account to conduct city business. But Obama guru David Axelrod thinks that Rahm Emanuel’s experience and bare knuckles style might be just the thing for Democrats, saying, “Who has more relevant experience? He understands how to win and speaks bluntly in an idiom that most folks understand.” However, Rahm Emanuel may be most famous for saying, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste,” at a Wall Street Journal conference. It’s an idea that has since been used by both Democrats and Republicans.
Emanuel won’t be making a decision anytime soon. But if Democrat primaries began today, what might the field look like? Former Vice President Kamala Harris, California Governor Gavin Newsom, former South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg, and Rahm Emanuel? Republicans should not get cocky, but we also shouldn’t get tired of winning.
Before you get too excited thinking that Rahm Emanuel now sees the light and understands that the Dems policies do not workHe praised the job Pritzker is doing and said he would support him for re-election
Remember a Democrat, like a leopard, never changes its spots pic.twitter.com/dYXh9sgfwj
— Slats Grobnik (@MissinRoyko) March 4, 2025