Feel-Good Friday: Kelvin Ellis Gives His Last Dollar to a Homeless Man, Who Happened to Be a Millionaire


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Thanks to VIP subscriber, Louise1, for pointing me to this story. 

Last week’s Feel-Good Friday was about good neighbors. For this week’s Feel-Good Friday, we’ll explore angels undercover—or at least in disguise. Hebrews says not to “forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.”

One early morning in March, Matthew Busbice was awakened from a sound sleep by the fire alarm going off in his apartment. He grabbed whatever clothes were handy, put on some boots and a backward baseball cap, and quickly exited the building. Busbice decided he might as well get his day going, so he went to his local coffee shop just across the street, grabbed a brew, and decided he would find someplace to get some quiet time in. Busbice was a man of faith and obviously, this was part of setting a pattern for his day. Lots of lessons in that.

Busbice said he went outside, found an isolated corner near an eyecare center, and closed his eyes to pray quietly. That’s when a nine-year-old boy named Kelvin Ellis saw him. Ellis was there with his father, who had an early morning eye appointment. As Busbice continued to pray, Ellis decided to approach him:

Kelvin saw Matt, standing with his eyes closed in the corner of the outside seating area, and thought he was homeless. Kelvin said he’s always wanted to help a homeless person so with a dollar, Kelvin walked up to Matt and offered him some money. 

How precious is that?! I remember being that age and having money in my pocket. The last thing I thought of doing was giving it away, unless I got something in exchange! Young Ellis could have done anything with that dollar, but he chose to take the opportunity to help someone he thought was in need. Busbice was beyond touched:

Instead of taking the bill, Matt bought Kelvin breakfast and his father some coffee. 

Apparently, Busbice and Ellis had a good long talk about life, girls, and other man stuff. The unlikely pair developed a friendship that day. Ellis was unaware that not only was Busbice not homeless, but he was co-founder of Wildgame Innovations (along with his family), a high-end hunting and gaming retailer. Busbice was also a television personality. He made appearances on “Country Bucks” on the A&E Channel, and “Wildgame Nation” on the Outdoor Channel. 

Busbice has also appeared on “Buck Commander” and “Buckmasters,” also on the Outdoor Channel. And since he doesn’t have enough to do, Busbice is also launching three new hunting enterprises. Is he married?! If not, eligible Christian bachelor ladies—line up! Busbice is quite the catch. Basically, Busbice was a millionaire and doing well. He was truly humbled and impressed with young Ellis and his generous heart, so when they met again, he gave him a shopping spree at one of his stores. 

Get out! 



What a special gift for young Kelvin Ellis, who not only got more than that dollar could have bought, but received something money cannot buy: friendship and mentorship. Busbice’s generosity of time is going to make a huge difference in Ellis’ life. I can’t wait to see what Kelvin Ellis will do for others in a few years because a successful businessman and millionaire took him under his wing.

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Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes health, sport, tech, and more. Some of her favorite topics include the latest trends in fitness and wellness, the best ways to use technology to improve your life, and the latest developments in medical research.

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