Even CNN's Daniel Dale Has to Call Out Kamala Harris Campaign's Lying Social Media Posts


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We’ve seen some unbelievably biased “journalism” during the ’24 presidential campaign—with perhaps the worst example being the “thumb on the scale” performance by the ABC debate moderators. Another offender is CNN’s Daniel Dale, who gave a thoroughly dishonest “fact-check” of the debate, as RedState’s Sister Toldjah and Brad Slager both reported on.

When the fact-checker needs fact-checking:

Paging CNN Fact-Checker Daniel Dale: Here’s How to Do Your Job, Not the Debate Malpractice You Delivered

The ‘Staggeringly Dishonest’ Loser of the Night: Here’s Lookin’ at You, CNN ‘Fact Checker’ Daniel Dale

But in a surprise development, even Dale felt the need to call out the misinformation machine that is the Kamala Harris social media presence. In an article titled, Fact check: Harris campaign social media account has repeatedly deceived with misleading edits and captions, Dale identified eight posts that were inaccurate. (That’s a nice way of saying they were lies.) Dale:

The @KamalaHQ account, which has more than 1.3 million followers on the X social media platform formerly known as Twitter, has made a habit of misleadingly clipping and inaccurately captioning video clips to attack former President Donald Trump.

The Harris campaign deploys @KamalaHQ as a kind of irreverent attack dog, using jocular posts to draw attention to controversial, incorrect, or dubious comments by Trump and his allies. But the account, which the Harris campaign calls its “official rapid response page,” has itself made inaccurate comments on multiple occasions.

It’s nice that he’s finally gotten around to delivering some reality, but that’s certainly not always the case:

This one should have been a joke at Comedy Central:

Here are some of the whoppers Dale calls out the campaign for posting. In one, they tried to make you think Trump was “lost and confused” because he said something about North Carolina when he was in Pennsylvania. The reality: he was pointing at supporters from North Carolina; he knew exactly where he was.

 Here are some of the other “misleading” posts the campaign has come up with, according to Dale:

  • Deceptively clipping and misleadingly describing a Trump comment about his 2017 Charlottesville remark
  • Deceptively clipping and inaccurately quoting a JD Vance quote about veterans’ health care
  • Deceptively clipping and falsely describing a Trump quote about penalties for damaging monuments
  • Deceptively clipping and misleadingly describing a Trump comment about taxes
  • Cutting out critical words from a Vance comment about unions
  • Falsely describing a comment from a Trump ally

That’s a pretty long list of lies. It’s refreshing and surprising to see CNN actually tell the truth for a change, but as they say, even a broken clock is correct twice a day.

Don’t expect much more of this out of the corrupt media, however. They are so in the tank for the progressive side that they willfully distort quotes, data, and information to further their cause.

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Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes health, sport, tech, and more. Some of her favorite topics include the latest trends in fitness and wellness, the best ways to use technology to improve your life, and the latest developments in medical research.

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