Democrat Datakrieg: How Data Is Used to Master Modern Politics


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This article is the 17th installment of the VICI Report, a comprehensive multi-part series exploring the sophisticated use of technology in political operations.  This series aims to uncover the processes, mechanisms, tools, and technologies used by Democrats to master our political processes and to develop strategies that answer and ultimately defeat their manipulations in 2024 and beyond.

Read the previous article in this series, Dark Tech Dark Harvest, where we lay out our categories of Democrat Tech companies, or start from the beginning of our series.


In the ever-evolving landscape of modern politics, data has emerged as the new battleground. From the campaign trail to the halls of power, those who master the art of harnessing data wield an unparalleled advantage. The Datakrieg, or data war, is upon us, and its outcome will shape the future of our nation.

The true power of data in politics is often hidden from view, but its impact is felt by every voter. Political data, collected from a myriad of sources, is weaponized to influence opinions and sway elections. The tactics employed by political campaigns, particularly by the Democrats, bear a shocking resemblance to those used by Big Tech giants.

As the Democrats have mastered data, Republicans find themselves scrambling to catch up. The data gap between the two parties is not just a matter of campaign strategy; it’s a threat to the very fabric of our republic.

To understand the full scope of data-driven politics, one must explore how political data is defined, collected, and utilized. The hidden world of the Datakrieg, like the defeat of the German Blitzkrieg in World War 2, holds the key to unlocking the future of political power, and ignorance of its workings is a sure path to defeat.

What Is Political Data?

Political data, at its core, is any information that can be used to understand, influence, or predict voter behavior. This broad definition encompasses a wide range of data points, from individual-level information to aggregate statistics, all relating to voting preferences, political engagement, and civic participation.

To grasp the full scope of political data, it’s essential to understand its various types. Identity data forms the foundation, including basic demographic information, party affiliation, voting history, voter registration status, and public records. For high-profile individuals, public financial disclosures and donation histories also fall under this category. While identity data provides a starting point, it’s only the tip of the iceberg.

Behavioral data takes political targeting to the next level. This includes consumer data, such as purchasing habits and media consumption, which can provide valuable insights into a voter’s lifestyle and preferences. Social media activity, such as likes, shares, and comments on political content, along with online browsing history related to political topics, offers a window into a voter’s interests and opinions. Membership in organizations or interest groups can also shed light on a voter’s political leanings.

Direct contact data, obtained through interactions with voters, is another crucial component of political data. This includes information gathered from canvassing efforts, phone banks, text banks, and event attendance. Volunteer and donor information, as well as email and social media engagement statistics, help campaigns gauge the effectiveness of their outreach efforts. Survey and polling responses provide valuable feedback on voter attitudes and preferences.

Demographic data, such as census information and economic indicators, helps campaigns understand the broader context in which they operate. By analyzing trends specific to geographic areas and demographic groups, campaigns can tailor their messaging and strategies to resonate with specific audiences.

But how does this seemingly disparate information come together to form a comprehensive picture of the electorate? The answer lies in data aggregation and analysis techniques, often referred to as “Big Data” and the Relational (or Social) Graph. By identifying patterns and correlations between seemingly unrelated data points, campaigns can create detailed voter profiles and predict political behavior with stunning accuracy.

This is where the Democrats’ approach to political data diverges sharply from that of the Republicans. While the GOP has largely focused on basic identity data, party registrations, and donation history, akin to a dated “junk mail” strategy, the Democrats have embraced a comprehensive data approach. They understand that true power lies in the ability to combine and analyze vast amounts of information from various sources, creating a holistic view of the electorate.

The importance of data in modern politics cannot be overstated. In an era where attention spans are short and the political landscape is increasingly fragmented, the ability to deliver targeted, personalized messages is paramount. By leveraging the full spectrum of political data, campaigns can cut through the noise and engage voters on a deeper level.

The Value of Data Today

The value of data in today’s world cannot be overstated. It is the lifeblood of the multi-trillion dollar Big Tech industry, with personal data and human behavioral data serving as its most valuable assets. The business models of tech giants like Google, Facebook, and Amazon heavily rely on the collection, analysis, and monetization of user data.

At the heart of this data economy lies targeted advertising. By collecting vast amounts of personal information, such as demographics, interests, and online behavior, these companies can create detailed user profiles. This allows them to serve highly personalized ads that are more likely to resonate with individual users, resulting in higher engagement and conversion rates. The more data a company has, the more effectively it can optimize its advertising efforts.

But the value of data extends far beyond advertising. Behavioral data, which includes online activities, purchasing habits, and other actions taken by users, provides invaluable insights into consumer preferences and trends. This information can be used to improve product recommendations, enhance user experiences, and guide business decisions.

Relational data, which maps out the connections between individuals and their influence networks, is another highly prized asset. By understanding how people and ideas are connected and what holds sway over whom, companies can identify key influences and tailor their marketing strategies accordingly.

To collect and analyze these vast troves of data, Big Tech firms employ an arsenal of sophisticated tools and technologies. Tracking mechanisms like cookies, pixels, and app usage statistics allow them to monitor user behavior across various platforms. Big Data processing systems enable the storage and analysis of massive datasets, while Machine Learning algorithms and Artificial Intelligence help uncover patterns and make predictions based on the available information.

The economic value of data cannot be understated. In the digital marketplace, data has become a commodity that is bought, sold, and traded like any other asset. The value of a company’s data holdings is a significant factor in determining its overall market capitalization. This has given rise to a thriving data economy, where brokers and other intermediaries facilitate the exchange of user information between businesses.

As the political arena increasingly adopts the strategies and tactics of the business world, it is no surprise that data has become a crucial commodity in this realm as well. The parallels between commercial and political data are striking. Just as businesses seek to acquire and retain customers, political campaigns aim to persuade and mobilize voters. Brand loyalty finds its equivalent in party affiliation, while product recommendations mirror the targeted messaging of policy positions.

The adaptation of Big Tech strategies to politics has given rise to a new breed of political operatives: the data warriors. These individuals and organizations specialize in collecting, analyzing, and leveraging vast amounts of voter data to gain a competitive edge. From micro-targeting to predictive modeling, they employ cutting-edge techniques to identify and influence key voting blocs.

The emergence of political data as a valuable asset has transformed the landscape of modern campaigning. Those who can harness its power gain a significant advantage in shaping public opinion, mobilizing supporters, and ultimately, winning elections. As the Datakrieg intensifies, the mastery of data-driven strategies will increasingly determine who holds the reins of power in our society.

From Big Tech to Ballots: Data’s Journey to Politics

The journey of data from the realm of Big Tech to the political arena has been a transformative one, redefining the very nature of modern campaigning. As political strategists began to recognize the immense potential of data-driven tactics, they started adapting the techniques honed by Silicon Valley giants to the unique challenges of the political landscape.

At the core of this transformation lies a fundamental shift in perspective. Political campaigns have come to view voters not just as constituents but as consumers of political information. Just as businesses strive to acquire and retain customers, campaigns now focus on persuading and mobilizing voters through targeted outreach and personalized messaging.

The parallels between commercial and political data are striking. In the business world, customer acquisition is the name of the game, with companies employing sophisticated strategies to identify, target, and convert potential buyers. Similarly, political campaigns have embraced the concept of voter persuasion, using data to identify undecided or persuadable voters and crafting messages tailored to their specific concerns and preferences.

The world of e-commerce has long relied on personalized product recommendations to drive sales and increase customer engagement. Political campaigns have taken this concept and adapted it to the realm of policy positions and candidate platforms. By analyzing voter data, campaigns can predict which issues and stances are most likely to resonate with specific individuals, allowing them to tailor their messaging accordingly.

In the age of social media, influencers play a crucial role in shaping public opinion and driving consumer behavior. The same holds true in the political arena, where endorsements from key figures and opinion leaders can sway voter preferences. Campaigns now use data to identify and target these influencers, leveraging their reach and credibility to amplify their messages and mobilize supporters.

As political strategists have come to recognize the power of data, they have increasingly adopted the tools and techniques pioneered by Big Tech. One of the most prominent examples is the use of the “Sales Pipeline” approach in voter engagement. Just as businesses track potential customers through a series of interactive stages, from initial awareness to final conversion, campaigns now view voter outreach as a multi-step process, with data guiding their efforts at each stage.

Voter Relationship Management (VRM) systems, the political equivalent of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platforms, have become essential tools for modern campaigns. These systems allow campaigns to track and manage their interactions with voters, providing valuable insights into voter behavior and preferences. By leveraging VRM data, campaigns can optimize their outreach efforts, focusing their resources on the most receptive and persuadable voters.

Other commercial techniques, such as micro-targeting and predictive modeling, have also found their way into the political playbook. Micro-targeting involves using data to create highly specific voter segments, allowing campaigns to deliver tailored messages to narrow subsets of the electorate. Predictive modeling, meanwhile, uses advanced algorithms to analyze vast amounts of data, identifying patterns and trends that can help campaigns anticipate voter behavior and adjust their strategies accordingly.

As political data has emerged as a valuable asset, a new ecosystem of specialized firms and consultancies has arisen to help campaigns harness its power. These organizations offer a range of services, from data collection and analysis to targeted advertising and voter outreach. By partnering with these firms, campaigns can access cutting-edge tools and expertise, enabling them to run data-driven operations that were once the exclusive domain of well-funded corporate marketing departments.

The growing prominence of data in politics has not been lost on the major parties. The Democrats, in particular, have been quick to embrace the power of data, investing heavily in building a comprehensive data infrastructure that rivals that of many Big Tech firms. By leveraging advanced analytics, machine learning, and other cutting-edge technologies, the Democrats have gained a significant advantage in targeting voters, mobilizing supporters, and shaping public opinion.

The Republicans, in contrast, have been slower to adapt to the data-driven realities of modern campaigning. While the GOP has made strides in recent years, its approach to data remains largely rooted in traditional methods, such as voter file management and direct mail campaigns. This has left the party at a disadvantage in an era where data mastery is increasingly essential to political success.

As the Datakrieg continues to unfold, the ability to effectively collect, analyze, and deploy political data will only become more critical. Campaigns that can harness the power of data will be better equipped to navigate the complex and ever-changing landscape of modern politics, while those that fail to adapt risk being left behind. The journey of data from Big Tech to the ballot box is far from over, and its impact on the future of our democracy is only beginning to be felt.

Why Data Mastery Is Critical

Data mastery has become a critical factor in modern politics, with the ability to effectively leverage data serving as a force multiplier for campaigns. By harnessing the power of data, political operations can achieve unprecedented levels of efficiency and precision in their efforts to persuade and mobilize voters.

One of the key advantages of data-driven campaigning is the ability to individualize the voter relationship at scale. Rather than relying on broad, scattershot messaging, campaigns can now use data to generate a relationship with individual voters millions of times over, crafting tailored appeals that resonate on a personal level. This level of precision allows campaigns to optimize their outreach efforts, focusing their resources on the voters who are most likely to be receptive to their message.

Data mastery also enables campaigns to be more strategic in their allocation of resources. By analyzing voter data, campaigns can identify key battlegrounds and prioritize their efforts accordingly. This data-driven approach to resource allocation ensures that every dollar spent and every volunteer hour invested is maximized for impact, giving campaigns a critical edge in an era of tight budgets and limited attention spans.

The current data gap between Democrats and Republicans represents a serious threat to the GOP’s electoral prospects. Democrats have invested heavily in building a comprehensive data infrastructure, leveraging advanced analytics and cutting-edge technologies to gain a significant advantage in targeting and mobilizing voters. Republicans, on the other hand, have been slower to adapt, relying on more traditional and less sophisticated methods of voter outreach.

This disparity has far-reaching implications beyond any single election cycle. As Democrats continue to hone their data-driven strategies, they are not only positioned to win more races in the short term but also to shape the political landscape for years to come. By leveraging data to identify and mobilize key voting blocs, Democrats can build a durable coalition that will give them a structural advantage in future elections.

The long-term consequences of the data gap are particularly concerning when it comes to the battle for cultural supremacy. In an era where political debates are increasingly shaped by competing narratives and ideological frameworks, the ability to control the narrative is critical. By leveraging their data advantage to identify and amplify the stories and messages that resonate with key voting blocs, Democrats effectively shape the cultural zeitgeist, marginalizing conservative voices and perspectives in the process.

This cultural impact is compounded by the Democrats’ ability to use data to mobilize their supporters not just for electoral purposes, but for social and cultural activism as well. By identifying and activating decades-old networks of influence within key institutions and communities, Democrats can create a self-reinforcing cycle of cultural change, with each victory building momentum for the next.


For Republicans, the stakes could not be higher. Without a concerted effort to close the data gap and develop a comprehensive strategy for data-driven campaigning, the party risks being relegated to permanent minority status, with diminishing influence over both policy and culture. The GOP must recognize that data mastery is not just a tactical imperative but a strategic necessity in the fight for America’s future.

Faced with a Democratic Party that has mastered the art of data-driven politics, the GOP must act with urgency to close the data gap and develop its own comprehensive strategy for harnessing the power of data. This will require a significant investment of resources and a willingness to embrace new technologies and approaches. But the alternative — a future in which Democrats maintain an unchallenged dominance over the political terrain — is simply unacceptable.

Sinistra Delenda Est!

In the next installment of the VICI Report series, we delve into the Big Tech technologies used by Democrat data projects to manipulate our elections.

The VICI Report and Project VICI are projects of UpHold America, led by Paul Porter (X:@PaulPorterPVB) and Jason Belich (X:@BelichJason). 

The VICI Report series is a culmination of many months of sleepless nights; the product of exhaustive research and analysis into the technologies used in politics by a Democrat adversary excessively skilled at manipulating political outcomes. Your support is critical to the success of this mission. Please visit our website, support our GiveSendGo, or join our Substack to contribute.

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Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes health, sport, tech, and more. Some of her favorite topics include the latest trends in fitness and wellness, the best ways to use technology to improve your life, and the latest developments in medical research.

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