December 2024 Horoscope: The 8 Zodiac Signs Bracing for Big Changes This Month


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How are you hoping to expand over the next six months? We’re not just talking about your waistline during the holidays. We’re talking about the facets of your life that need an extra dose of worldly perspective. Do you need to learn something new, try something new, or challenge yourself to take a leap of faith? The upcoming new moon in Sagittarius, on December 1, is the perfect time to embrace this idea of expansion. But it comes with a slight catch.

It’s good to remind ourselves what Sagittarius energy is all about. Sagittarius is the 365 party girl. She embodies the essence of no sleep: Bus, club, ‘nother club, ‘nother club, plane, next place—she is constantly jet-setting, trying to soak up every piece of life. Sagittarius does this because, energetically, they are continually pursuing wisdom. Wisdom can only come when you learn from experiences and then apply what you have learned to your everyday life. Although Sagittarius might at times seem like another diva who is running around (or running away), there is typically an intention behind their actions—to help expand their perspective and keep their eyes on a broad and limitless horizon.

The Sagittarius new moon is the quintessential “fuck it, we ball” moment. As long as you remember that, while you are balling out, life lessons are interwoven throughout every step. New moons are always the best time to kickstart fresh starts and new endeavors (it’s literally in the name, “new moon”!). The moon hides away for a moment to allow us to view the night sky as a blank canvas, waiting to be painted. The key to embracing Sagittarius new moon energy is to get out and do it! Sagittarius, being a fire sign, requires action for magic to exist—so no sitting on the couch simply relying on manifestation. You’ll need to get out of the house and into the world. After all, Sagittarius rules over travel and adventure.

Sagittarius roams to bring back nuggets of wisdom that help remind us of the big picture, which we might forget from time to time. Carve out some time to set the intention of abundance. This will allow you to explore every nook and cranny of a new place while also seeing how a new environment can inspire you back home. If you aren’t traveling, go to a new restaurant, listening to new music, or meditate while you take a new route to work, school, or wherever you are heading. Regardless of how much you want to be a homebody right now, the Sagittarius new moon kicks all of us in the ass, like my grandma did when I was a kid, screaming: “Go outside and enjoy the world. The sun is out, so you should be too!”

Does all this mean the new moon will be a walk in the park combined with the perfect night out? Not quite. Being that this is a Sagittarius new moon, Jupiter is whispering in the ears of the luminaries, adding a bit of extra flair to the changes coming your way. At the time of the new moon, Jupiter is in Gemini and stationing retrograde. Do not freak out. Jupiter is the planet of growth, expansion, and optimism, so even when it decides to station retrograde, there will still be good juju in the air. Jupiter, being on the opposite side of the chart of the new moon, lets us digest information a bit easier. Where Sagittarius is all about the big picture, Gemini energy reminds us that there is magic in the mundane—and to celebrate the big picture, you have to recognize that the finer details are what build up the big picture. Yes, the opposition between Jupiter and the new moon might create some frustration if the throughline between the big picture and the fine details doesn’t make sense. But that is a reminder to keep exploring until you find the answer.

Additionally, with Mercury stationing retrograde, patience is going to be essential. Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius can be impatient and impulsive, potentially detracting from your ability to soak up as much information as possible. Your manifestations also need to be crystal clear, though Sagittarius energy would prefer to keep things more open-ended. If you are willy-nilly with your intention-setting, you’ll get what you asked for… just not exactly how you hoped it would turn out. (Much like how I accidentally manifested getting fired from my last job, but that’s a story for a different time.) It is also worth noting that Saturn, the planet of structures and accountability, is making a tense aspect to the new moon. So, while you will feel the push to embrace a new, grandiose journey, there will be a looming force reminding you that if you let yourself fall off the wagon, you might hit your head hard and regret not taking things seriously enough. I know it’s amusing, me telling you to take something seriously during a Sagittarius transit, but trust me—you do not want to mess with the wrath of big daddy Saturn.

All in all, this Sagittarius new moon is the perfect way to end the year. While reflecting and making those New Year resolutions, the new moon will help you consider what you might have been missing during 2024 and what you hope to bring in during 2025. Miley Cyrus once said, “It ain’t about how fast I get there, it ain’t about what’s waiting on the other side… it’s the climb.” And spoken like the true Sagittarius she is, those words embody the spirit of a Sagittarius new moon. Celebrate and spend every moment you can diving into your journey’s lessons. As always, read for your rising sign to get the most accurate reading on how to make the most out of this new moon in Sagittarius.


My iconic Aries, you are a firecracker, and this new moon has a lot of fiery energy in store for you. What is fabulous about this new moon is that it parallels your desire to rush forward into whatever new challenge stands in your way. Your fearlessness will be heightened; just be careful with the Mercury retrograde happening in tandem. This new moon is about perspective for you, and finding new ways to keep your eyes on the many prizes you are going after. There is a catch to it, however. You need to make sure that you do everything in your power to avoid a one-track mind. It can be easy to keep your eye on the prize and nothing else, but Sagittarius energy is all about expansive experiences and letting yourself run through fields without an intensely mapped-out plan. So keep charging forward, but don’t forget that the path less taken has something waiting for you as well.


Remember this credo: “to get deep, you must dive into unfamiliar waters occasionally.” You are wrapping up a journey that began in 2018, when Uranus moved into your sign and began to shake up who you thought you were. Now, with the Sagittarius new moon, you can embrace these new ideas of yourself but fully transform into the version of yourself you feel you have become. This looks like accepting change and moving forward from it. I know that is tough, considering you spend so much time solidifying your life into predictable, structured experiences. Still, the Sagittarius new moon is a moment of rebirth for you. Go deep to find acceptance of how the old you is fading and the new you is emerging, and you will have no problems moving forward with the next chapter of your life.


A fickle little fiend you can be when it comes to relationships! No, you aren’t two-faced or fake. You are just scattered. That scattered feeling might persist during this new moon because your ruling planet, Mercury, is stationed retrograde in Sagittarius. But remember that things are just starting during a new moon. You are not expected, at this current moment, to have everything figured out, especially regarding where you stand in your relationships and business contracts. The Sagittarius new moon is your time to consider what you need out of your relationships with other people, and how you might get overly fixated on the micro-interactions you have. Listen, I know better than most that Gemini zeroes in on the smallest of “issues,” but if someone pauses before responding to a question, it doesn’t mean they hate you. It means they were thinking. And that is precisely what you need to do—pause to think about what you need to do to keep your relationships open and honest.


Focusing on work and a daily routine is not something I recommend with a Sagittarius transit, but for you, it is the main ingredient in making this new moon a success. If you have noticed lately that you are feeling off-kilter or struggling to find a consistent flow for yourself, that is the universe telling you to embrace the chaos and shake off the dust. It might seem silly to look at your daily life and routines through the lens of chaos, but the Sagittarius new moon will teach you how to step into a new rhythm that works for you, not the outdated one you keep holding onto. This concept could reveal itself through kicking a bad habit, applying for a new job, or adding something new to your daily life. Ultimately, by stepping outside of the regular, you will learn that the grass is greener on the other side. Then you’ll figure out how to bring some of that green back to you.


You love creating and letting your passions burn so brightly that you can warm up even the chilliest of rooms. As the days get shorter and colder, you will be reminded during this new moon that you can always find joy in life, regardless of what seasonal limitations might arise. Since you’re ruled by the sun, it’s easy to find yourself in the spotlight. But don’t let yourself get stuck in one area. You will find that the more you dabble in new hobbies, romances, and other activities that stimulate your senses, the happier you will become. Manifesting joy is easy, but letting yourself sit in happiness is complex. You are the sunshine on a cloudy day, and if you don’t always do that, you will be pushed during this new moon to embrace a new approach to happiness. Let yourself go on a hero journey to find your treasure chest filled with whatever your heart desires.


With the holiday season in full swing, you are probably preparing to spend time with your family, and with that comes peaks and valleys. Family—whether given or chosen—will always bring both moments of joy and moments of annoyance. Still, the beauty of this new moon in Sagittarius is that it’s opening the door for a new chapter of home and familial relationships. You might manifest a stronger bond with your parents and siblings, or even the hope to turn over a new leaf and leave past squabbles behind. Perhaps you are planning your own family, and this new moon is the perfect time to bring new life into the family (literally and metaphorically). Regardless of what happens for you, this new moon in Sagittarius is a reminder that you can always start fresh, regardless of history—as long as you learn from your mistakes and keep your eye on the limitless horizon.


Learning can be difficult, especially if you aren’t willing to give and receive information freely and openly. Your Libran demeanor, however, appreciates human connection and the lessons you build from relationships. There is good news for you and your relationships, because the new moon will help expand how information comes and goes through your life. During this new moon, you will probably be more motivated by a wandering mind, hoping to unearth new perspectives. Still, when you are struggling to understand the meaning behind them, that is when you should turn to the people around you. Yapping will be your best friend—talk incessantly, even spewing nonsense if you have to, because the new moon wants you to expand by experiencing the world—but by listening to it as well. This is an excellent opportunity to invigorate the mind by embracing curiosity.


Cue Money, Money, Money by ABBA because this new moon helps you, Scorpio, to kickstart a financial journey. If you have been feeling financially restricted, don’t worry, because this new moon will motivate you to think outside the box about making and utilizing your finances better. It will take some research and exploration, so let your curious mind wander as you explore new ways to attain what you want. Furthermore, the new moon is here to reinvent your sense of self-worth. It’s perfectly timed, because your ruling planet, Pluto, recently moved into the innovative Aquarius sign, helping you revolutionize your life! Use this new moon as an opportunity to explore what makes you tick. And make sure you invest time and energy into what provides you internal and external value.


My Sagittarian diva, the new moon is all about embracing yourself and the version of you that you have always hoped to share with the world. This is the perfect time to consider freshening up your wardrobe, getting a new haircut, or even taking some reflective time to reintroduce yourself to yourself based on the growth you have experienced over the past few months. Your ruling planet, Jupiter, is stationed retrograde during this new moon, but don’t let that stop you from being the best version of yourself. You might be confused about where you are headed right now, but remember that as long as you stay true to who you are and unapologetically show up exactly as you are now, there is nothing to worry about.


Getting into the witchy-woo-woo side of life isn’t always your jam, but now more than ever, it is imperative for your growth! The Sagittarius new moon makes a challenging aspect to your ruling planet, Saturn, so you will feel less motivated than others to embrace the new horizons calling you. But that is a-ok. The essence of this new moon is to establish new ways for you to find “church.” Church allows us to connect to spirit, so if that looks like going to a physical church, meditating at home, or doing as I do and dancing at the club, you are given the permission right now to try new ways to embrace your more intuitive and spiritual side. The Sagittarius new moon has a lot of potential to be eye-opening, if you allow yourself to breathe and enable new ideas to flow without judgment or criticism.


The Sagittarius new moon is just what you need to embrace all the new beginnings heading your way. First, Pluto moving into your sign is one of the most significant indicators that something big will happen. But for now, focus on how that looks from a social perspective. This new moon is about you idealizing your community and ensuring you aren’t letting your fixed-sign sensibilities get in the way of your air-sign socializing. Don’t shut out new friends, partners, or groups just because their role in your life doesn’t make sense right now. Remember that Sagittarius is the expander who accepts whatever is thrown at them—and learns as the projectiles come at them. This is the perfect time to join a new group or organization, start volunteering, or even plan a BYOF party (bring your own friend) to help connect yourself to strangers with a story that will inspire you.


You want a hot body? You want a Bugatti? You want a Maserati? You better change the way you’re working, bitch. Britney Spears—also a Sagittarius—is giving you the mantra of your new moon to work hard and aspire to something bigger than yourself. As a Pisces, purpose is essential, and you should feel like you are doing something that provides good for yourself and others. If you are feeling downtrodden and restricted right now, it is probably because you aren’t giving yourself enough opportunities to explore your legacy. The Sagittarius new moon is helping you to explore what you want that legacy to look like. This could look like applying for a job that aligns with your morals or even taking on challenging new responsibilities to sharpen your skills. Regardless of what you are looking for, the Sagittarius new moon is about opening the door to a fresh start that helps you to think even bigger than you usually do.

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Alexandra Williams
Alexandra Williams
Alexandra Williams is a writer and editor. Angeles. She writes about politics, art, and culture for LinkDaddy News.

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