David Hogg – All Grown Up…Sort Of


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A few short years ago, David Hogg resembled “Bewitched” character Darrin Stevens — who those of a certain age will recall — reincarnated, with his Brylcreemed hair, big ears, and propensity for manic behavior whenever it was time for his close-up. Clean-cut, sanctimonious, and leaking self-righteousness out of one ear, self-importance from the other, Hogg made news as a survivor of a school shooting who later emerged as an anti-second amendment activist. The press liked this very much and ran his finger-wagging mug all over as he condemned gun owners everywhere to the Fiery Pit of Dante’s Hell. It caused some pushback from conservative grown-ups, who, just as with the Pugsly-Faced “How Dare You” girl, quickly got sick of dumb moralistic lectures from children recently out of braces. 

Now, mercifully, the boy went to school, and we didn’t have to hear much about him for four years. But then he came back, all machoed up and ready to pick up where he’d left off. Our little baby boy was all growed up now, and apparently, the Democrats had been missing his screeds in just the worst way. So, like a lost cat, they found him a good home, and this week, Hogg was selected as vice chair of the Democratic National Committee. Vice Chair. The kid is like 24 years old and shouldn’t be vice chair of anything but the school yearbook staff. And I say this because when you’re 24 years old (unless, say, you were in combat where you might have had to grow up quickly and learn really important stuff really fast), you’re still awfully bankrupt in experience and wisdom. And those things are always, always, always important in any sort of leadership role. 

Related: The Democratic Party Wants to Die

NEW: Things Get Even Wilder at DNC Elections, As Their Vote on David Hogg Tells Us How Cooked They Are

As is evidenced by dumb outbursts like “The guns in Parkland, Buffalo, El Paso, didn’t come from Mexico. They came from the US, and the shooters were inspired by racist, anti-black, anti-immigrant manifestos that rhyme with GOP talking points.” Or like this tweet, but especially Premium Nuggets of Dumb like this where he just flat out told America it doesn’t have any right to own a gun because he’s smarter than Jefferson, Hamilton, and the rest of those dopes who drafted and signed some long forgotten scrap of paper that, oh yeah, continues to be the bedrock of the most significant political experiment in the history of the known universe. 

I could go on, but I think readers here are well familiar with all the Hogg-droppings so let me just say that as shocking as his selection as DNCVC might be, it’s also a really poignant one for independents, libertarians, or conservatives. These are the people who either voted for the current mandate, or might vote for the next one in two years. And this administration needs those votes, so when the Democrats get a beating because of bad ideas pushed by the likes of Biden, Harris, Buttigieg, AOC, Newsom, blah blah blah blah, Clinton, Warren, BLM, blah blah blah blah, Sanders, CNN and NBC, blah blah Schumer blah blah and Hirono, they don’t know what else to do but dig a deeper foxhole because the People just don’t understand what’s good for them. Like Nancy Pelosi once said, “You have to eat your vegetables,” and she wants to play Mom. Gotta keep cudgeling ’em with that message ’til they get it!

So, David Hogg. Activist, Hot Head, and Single-Minded Zealot still marinating in the angst of teen immaturity wants to take away your guns. Okay. Now, if the results of the election are to be believed, this is not the direction that most Americans want to go. So, I’m going to remind you that this is a good thing for anyone of a conservative bent, because to see the DNC post up a puppy in the hierarchy of their organization — that exists solely to bite ankles, mind you — either shows desperation, which is fun to watch, or a further drift toward fascism, which really does little else but bolster the Second Amendment. David’s new job isn’t going to move the meter very much on his side, but I think as he gets behind the pulpit and starts pounding on it with the red lights in the background, it will probably peg it on ours.

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Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes health, sport, tech, and more. Some of her favorite topics include the latest trends in fitness and wellness, the best ways to use technology to improve your life, and the latest developments in medical research.

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