Dance Team Forced From Seattle Show Because Uniforms Were Offensive—They Depicted the American Flag


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On Tuesday, I reported on the Seattle-area 11-year-old girl who wasn’t allowed to form a faith group even though her school welcomed a Pride group, a “Green” team, and many other clubs.

At This WA School, You Can Have a Pride Club, a Green Team—Just Not a Faith Group

Is it something in the water that turns so many residents of Washington into America-hating, left-wing zealots? The Evergreen State is once again in the news as the Borderline Dance Team was forced out of the Emerald City Hoedown in Seattle Saturday, not because their act was profane, not because they broke the rules—but because their uniforms depicted the American flag. Evidently, the symbol of our country is too much for these wokesters.

I’m guessing there wouldn’t have been a problem if the team wore Palestinian flags.

The women’s country line dance team posted to social media about their experience of being openly discriminated against:

“Unfortunately, what our team was met with upon arrival was that our flag tops were offensive to some of the convention goers,” the post read. “There was a small group that felt ‘triggered and unsafe.'”

The post continued and explained the ridiculous series of events:

At first we were told we would just be boo’d, yelled at and likely many of them would walk out. This did not deter us. But then we were given an ultimatum. Remove the flag tops and perform in either street clothes (which most didn’t bring as they traveled there in their uniforms) or they would supply us with ECH shirts from years past… Or, don’t perform at all, which effectively was asking us to leave.

We don’t speak for our team, we speak on behalf of them so the choice was theirs. As we knew would happen because there really was no choice in our minds, it was a unanimous NO.

Co-captain Lindsay Stamp appeared on the Seattle-based Jason Rantz radio show and said it was just a small group of snowflakes who succeeded in getting them banned and that they brought up the Israel-Hamas war and transgender issues. But the team doesn’t even promote political messages other than that they love our country.

Stamp told Rantz that members of the team were shocked after they spent only 30 minutes at the venue before they started receiving complaints, adding that the team is patriotic, but doesn’t make statements about politics.

“My team doesn’t take a political stance. We came to dance,” she said. “We’re a patriotic group. We support our military, our veterans, our first responders. We’re a group of patriots.”

Showing that this was not an isolated incident, another team—the West Coast Country Heat—was also forced out of the event because they too wore colors representing our union. The two teams banded together to defy the edicts and refused to appear, which Borderline said was “the greatest performance.”

It’s amazing to me that patriotism is now controversial and a dirty word to some. Everything they’re able to say, everything they’re able to do, is because we live in the freest nation on earth. You think they’d allow this dance exhibition to be shown in Chechnya? Nope:

Chechnya Bans Fun: Music That Is ‘Too Fast or Too Slow’ Barred From Play 

Think you could complain about the treatment of the LGBTQ “community” in Uganda? Nope:

Uganda’s Constitutional Court Upholds Anti-Gay Law That Includes the Death Penalty

I often want to say to “activists” like these: you don’t like it? There are 194 other countries you could be living in—how ‘bout you go apartment hunting in one of them, and those of us who love America will stay put and keep an eye on things.  

Just do us all a favor and don’t come back.

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Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes health, sport, tech, and more. Some of her favorite topics include the latest trends in fitness and wellness, the best ways to use technology to improve your life, and the latest developments in medical research.

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