Church of Scientology Forum on the Need for Sustainability


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Scientology Churches mark World Environment Day with community forums to raise awareness of environmental issues. In Denmark, specialists shared their respect for and commitment to biodiversity. 

At a community open house and forum organized by the Church of Scientology of Denmark and the local chapter of The Way to Happiness Foundation, guest speakers of diverse backgrounds shared their passion for nature, biodiversity, and sustainability. 

An environmental project manager who operates under the Copenhagen Municipality spoke of her passion for urban green development. She explained the best plants for greening a city, what roses best promote insect survival and actions anyone may take to help create green oases—even in the center of town.

Next, a biodiversity expert made his passion clear by sharing his slogan: “Bee Engaged.” His presentation brought home that the well-being of bees and other insects is vital to the survival of all life on Earth. In Europe, some 78 percent of native flora and 84 percent of crops are either partially or fully dependent on insects for pollination. Attendees were eager to learn about and participate in his upcoming projects.

The third guest speaker runs an organic farm and riding school in North Zealand. “There are no compromises when it comes to animal welfare,” she said. Her unique approach to training people to ride and care for horses includes
helping them learn to control the horses through communication, body movement, and clear intention rather than force.

The event was held in coordination with the Copenhagen chapter of The Way to Happiness Foundation, whose mission is to reverse society’s moral decay by restoring trust and honesty through widespread distribution of The Way to Happiness, a common-sense guide to better living written by author and humanitarian L. Ron Hubbard. One precept of The Way to Happiness is “Safeguard and improve your environment.”

The Church of Scientology Denmark is an Ideal Scientology Organization, configured to service Scientologists in their ascent to spiritual freedom and serve as a home for the entire community, a meeting ground of cooperative effort to uplift people of all denominations. It was dedicated in May 2017 by Scientology ecclesiastical leader Mr. David Miscavige. To learn more about the Church of Scientology of Denmark, visit their website or watch Destination: Scientology—Copenhagen on the Scientology Network.

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Alexandra Williams
Alexandra Williams
Alexandra Williams is a writer and editor. Angeles. She writes about politics, art, and culture for LinkDaddy News.

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