California Medical Students Are Taught to Free Palestine — and That Capitalism Is 'Crapitalism'


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Where medical education leads, so follows medicine. Relatedly, contemporary science education doesn’t seem solely centered on science. Case in point: a recent presentation at the University of California Los Angeles. 

For a bit of background, UCLA’s David Geffen School of Medicine considers its mission something greater than healing the sick; society is sick in the head, and it’s a woe of the white-supremacist sort. Therefore, the school has invested in “ART.” 


In 2021, the David Geffen School of Medicine was selected to participate in the AntiRacist Transformation in Medical Education (ART in Med Ed) program. DGSOM’s selection for participation in the three-year…program…is a milestone in its journey toward antiracism.

For those unfamiliar with “antiracism,” the ideology pits white oppressors against a victimized world. “We chase equity,” UCLA Health’s website proclaims among talk of an Antiracist Roadmap. “We have a collective commitment to combat structural racism.”

Ergo, the medical school’s HEALS Curriculum includes a course called Structural Racism and Health Equity. In that class, first-year medical students were recently treated to a two-hour lecture called “Housing (In)justice in LA: Addressing Unhousing and Practicing Solidarity.” 

As evidenced by YouTube audio courtesy of The Washington Free Beacon, guest speaker Lisa “Tiny” Gray-Garcia schooled future doctors on “crapitalism” — via a communist prayer to a pagan entity. 

In her own words: 

“Thank you, Creator, for another day of life. Thank you…for taking care of this small part of Mama Earth, this big part of Mama Earth that the settlers call LA… … Surviving the violent removal, a genocide, so that we think that this is a place called ‘LA’ with no history, no herstory, no past, no peoples. And thank you for…standing up, fighting up, speaking up and shouting out, ‘Man, back!’ … Thank you to all of our relatives who die on these occupied streets every day, our black and brown and poor people, houseless people from all nations and all generations who die because of the craptalist lie of scarcity, of private property, of money and ownership of Mama Earth…”

According to Lisa/Tiny, “Mama Earth was never meant to be bought or sold, pimped or played.” 

She thanked and complimented the students, who “go into…medicine because [they] are walking with [their] heart, and [they] know that something is wrong.” 

The online audio ends with a word to your mother:

“[F]inally, thank you to Mama Earth, who we poison from and extract from and take from every day, but is still here, and without whom there would be no us.” 

RELATED: Evangelicals Affirm Biblical Teaching on Human Sexuality and the Neo-Pagan Left Craps Itself

Lisa isn’t just a pagan believer and denouncer of capitalism, AKA the right of every American to start their own business. She’s also outspoken concerning Israel. From the YouTube entry’s caption:

In a mandatory course on “structural racism”…a guest speaker who has praised Hamas’s October 7th attack on Israel led (UCLA) students in chants of “Free, Free Palestine”…

More on that: In 2018, Tiny/Lisa tweeted that “Israel is AmeriKKKlan.”

Some may question why medical education would inject ideas about Palestine — or have students bow before a pagan deity or be corrected on proprietorship and property rights. But these days, American institutions appear to comprise one large DEI network; emphases such as science commonly come across as asides to the goal of national wokeness:

University Seeks Science Professor Who Can Be Anything but a One-Spirit Man With a Penis

Grunting Girlbosses: Science Mag Says Neanderthal Ladies Hunted While Stay-at-Home Cavemen Sewed

Scientific American: The Racist Myth of Binary Sex Wasn’t Invented ‘Til Nearly 1800

Man Tries to Give Blood Amid a Shortage, Is Rejected Because He Won’t Say Whether He’s Pregnant

Medical School Cites Women’s Need for Prostate Exams

Professor: Cancer Researchers Should Show Their Faces to Prove They Aren’t White

Apropos of Caucasian calamity, the Free Beacon notes that Lisa is racially conscious…

[She]…referred (in the lecture) to modern medicine as “white science”…before asking students to stand for a second prayer. …

When one student remained seated, according to students in the class, a UCLA administrator, whom the Free Beacon could not identify, inquired about the student’s identity, implying that discipline could be on the table.

In light of the cutting-edge classroom endeavor, UCLA’s Jewish Faculty Resilience Group sent a March 29th letter of complaint to Chancellor Gene Block. 

Selections from the email:

On March 27, 2024, a session called “Housing (In)justice in LA: Addressing Unhousing and Practicing Solidarity” took place…as part of the first-year medical school course called “Structural Racism and Health Equity.” … The invited speaker was…a noted activist who previously appeared on campus wearing a terrorist-themed costume… 

The incident, the missive maintains, “never should have taken place.”

Perhaps the Jewish Faculty Resilience Group — and any others critical of UCLA’s medical masterminding — can take heart: In the future, their surgeon may or may not know how to perform the required life-altering task; but at least he/she/ze will be versed in crapitalism and the white supremacy of homelessness. And, of course, Middle Eastern conflict. 

Even so, before their operation, patients may want to take a page from Tiny’s playbook — and pray out loud.



See more content from me:

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Find all my RedState work here.

Thank you for reading! Please sound off in the Comments section below. 

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Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes health, sport, tech, and more. Some of her favorite topics include the latest trends in fitness and wellness, the best ways to use technology to improve your life, and the latest developments in medical research.

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