BREAKING: Is Israel surrendering? Biden Announces New Deal


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Biden has announced that Israel is offering a three-part deal that would ultimately end the war.

This deal would include a first six weeks in which women, the elderly, and the sick will be released in exchange for the complete withdrawal of IDF forces from populated areas in Gaza and an exchange of Palestinian prisoners. Six hundred trucks of aid will be admitted into the strip. 

The second phase would include the release of other living hostages, including men, and the IDF would leave Gaza completely. 

The third phase would include the reconstruction of Gaza.

Biden’s remarks urged Israelis to accept the deal. 

“To the people of Israel, let me say this: As someone who has had a lifelong commitment to Israel, as the only American president who has ever gone to Israel at a time of war, as someone who just sent US forces to directly defend Israel when it was attacked by Iran, I ask you to take a step back and think what will happen if this moment is lost?”

“You can’t lose this moment. Indefinite war in pursuit of an unidentified notion of total victory will only bog down Israel in Gaza, draining military, ecnomomic and human resources and further Israel’s isolation in the world. That will not bring hostages home. That will not bring an enduring defeat of Hamas. That will not bring Israel lasting security.”

Many have scrutinized not only the deal but the validity of the claims. 

Biden’s outline of the supposed hostages/ceasefire deal, as proposed, is clearly trash. There is literally zero chance that the Israeli government proposed this deal in the form Biden articulates. No Israeli government could propose leaving Hamas as the government of Gaza, as this deal does. If any Israeli government did, it would bring down the government immediately.

Furthermore, Biden is a liar. The idea that members of the Israeli government don’t care about the hostages is a vicious falsehood designed to throw support behind Hamas — or to collapse the government from within, which is Biden’s real goal.

Prime Minister Netanyahu has been adamant that he would not agree to any deal that leaves Hamas in power. It is hard to understand why a deal so different than what he has stated thus far would not be announced by himself or a representative of his own government. 

This is a developing story. RedState will provide further details as they become available. 


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Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes health, sport, tech, and more. Some of her favorite topics include the latest trends in fitness and wellness, the best ways to use technology to improve your life, and the latest developments in medical research.

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