Border Czar Homan Takes AOC to School After Her Office Hosts Anti-ICE Webinar


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That famous Brooklyn bartender-turned-congresswoman, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez should know enough to quit while she’s behind. If she can’t absorb that lesson, it’s a virtual certainty that President Trump’s bulldog-tough border czar, Tom “The Hammer” Homan, will keep demonstrating that lesson.

In the latest lesson, the congresswoman launched her usual vitriol against The Hammer – and it backfired spectacularly.

President Donald Trump’s border czar Tom Homan on Friday clashed with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., over a webinar she hosted advising migrants about how to handle an encounter with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

“Let’s pray that she is not ‘educating’ the next murderer of a young college nursing student on how to evade arrest by ICE,” Homan told Fox News Digital on Friday. “How many more young women have to be raped, murdered and burned alive until she wakes up?”

Homan had first said on “The Ingraham Angle” that he had emailed the deputy attorney general asking whether Ocasio-Cortez’s hosting of a “Know Your Rights with ICE” event on her Facebook page could count as an impediment to federal law enforcement.

See Related: No Big Surprise: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Office Helping Illegal Aliens Evade ICE Repatriation Efforts

That’s what he’s supposed to do, incidentally; get an actual legal opinion from actual experts. AOC isn’t an expert, as she demonstrates daily.

During the event, viewers were informed of how to deal with ICE search requests. Migrants were also warned of “ruses” they allege ICE agents employ to get people to comply with searches, while the hosts also touted “trends” in how ICE conducts its searches, which have ramped up in recent weeks under the Trump administration. People were also recommended to record such searches and how to differentiate between different warrants ICE agents are likely to carry.

Above the X post above, AOC wrote:

“MaYbe shE’s goiNg to be in TroUble nOw”

Maybe he can learn to read. The Constitution would be a good place to start

Let’s… painfully set aside her horrendous abuse of capitalization, which would have been shameful had it come from a 6-year-old. I’m not sure how that trend got started, but if you want to look like a dimwit in writing, that’s a good place to start.

Let’s also set aside the fact that, as amply demonstrated by her Congressional career, AOC has no knowledge and less regard for the Constitution. Let’s instead look at how “The Hammer” came down on her in reply.

In comments to Fox News Digital, Homan said that he was asking the Justice Department for their interpretation of the law regarding impeding and obstruction, and that he is “well aware of the Constitution, but I am also aware that DOJ gives legal interpretations on issues like this to ensure ICE acts in accordance of the law.”

As is his job, in other words. The DOJ also has its job, which is in part to provide him with the legal interpretations, which AOC is unaware of.

He then suggested Ocasio-Cortez read Title 8 USC 1324 and 8 USC 1325,”statutes enacted by Congress, of which she is a part of.”

“It’s not OK to be in the U.S. illegally. It’s a violation of federal law to enter this country illegally. It is not OK to assist those in the U.S. illegally in furtherance of their illegal entry and unlawful presence. I thought I educated her on this several years ago during congressional testimony.,” he said, referencing a viral clash from the first Trump administration at a congressional hearing.

“She can call it ‘advising those who are illegally in the U.S. of their constitutional rights.’ But we all know it’s really about evading ICE and how not to get arrested and how not to adhere to a federal judge’s order to leave after receiving due process at great taxpayer expense,” he said.

That’s what you call a bullseye. There’s a reason they call it illegal immigration; there is a reason we call these people illegal aliens. It’s because they are here illegally, and Mr. Homan is going to do his job, under the Constitution, which gives the executive power over enforcing immigration policy – which the Democrats insisted border-state governors comply with until, oh, around January 20th. Tom Homan is going to make sure these people get repatriated back to where they are legal – namely, to where they came from. If they want to join the queue and try to come back legally, as long as they aren’t gang-bangers or criminals, then fine.

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Tom Homan, all kidding aside, is the picture of an old-fashioned lawman. He knows what his job is, he’s tough, experienced, determined, and he’s going to get it done. What’s more, he’s concerned about doing it by the book, and when he has any legal questions, he’s doing just what he should do – kick them up to his higher headquarters for a determination. He’s the best thing to have happened to the American immigration system in decades.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the opposite in every way. She’s inexperienced, and not particularly well-informed. She should have watched a little more “Schoolhouse Rock” when she was a kid. She has no concern about the Constitution except when it suits her to name that document that she has almost certainly never read.

So, when she crosses metaphorical swords with Tom “The Hammer” Homan, well, no matter how many times she tries, she’s going to get her feathers singed – just as she did this time.

You might say, “The Hammer” hit her with a Patriot arrow.


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Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes health, sport, tech, and more. Some of her favorite topics include the latest trends in fitness and wellness, the best ways to use technology to improve your life, and the latest developments in medical research.

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