Biden Botches Thomas Jefferson Quote While Mocking Him and Screaming


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As we reported, Joe Biden was losing his mind on the issue of guns on Thursday. 

He attacked JD Vance, falsely claiming that Vance said shootings were “facts of life.” 

“Who in the hell do these people think they are!!!” Biden screamed. 

Biden was being misleading because that isn’t what Vance said. 

Vance, who is not “Secretary of Ohio,” said: 

“I don’t like that this is a fact of life. But if you are a psycho and you want to make headlines, you realize that our schools are soft targets. And we have got to bolster security at our schools.”

Translation? Another desirable screeching lie from Biden. He has absolutely no regard for the truth. 

Cyrus Vance was Secretary of State from 1977-1980, during the time when Biden was in the Senate. I think that’s the person with whom he confused JD Vance. Biden was having a flashback moment to the 70s in his mind. 

READ MORE: WATCH: Joe Biden Bungles an Attack on JD Vance in Embarrassing Fashion

But that wasn’t the only thing about which he was screaming and losing his mind.  

Biden slurred through saying he taught Constitutional Law for years. (He did teach at Widener for several years, according to them). He insisted that the Second Amendment was not absolute and screamed that you couldn’t own a cannon, a lie that he’s told in the past. I don’t know what Constitutional Law he learned or “taught,” but he doesn’t seem to understand it. 

Yes, you could own a cannon when the Constitution was passed, and you can own one now. He’s doubtless been told this, yet he keeps telling this lie and just can’t stop himself from saying it. 

On top of that, he not only botched Thomas Jefferson’s famous quote but also mocked it. Jefferson’s quote is, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” That’s a comment on the serious commitment to fight for freedom and the costs that may bring. 

Yet Biden spoke of that derisively as he mocked our rights. 

Biden blustered, “The liberty of Americans is watered with the blood of patriots.” Then he declared dismissively, “Like hell!” to laughter from the just-as-ignorant as him crowd. “No, I’m serious,” he said. “Think about it. It was never absolute — never, never, never, never!” he continued to scream. He finished saying it was time to increase funding for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. 

At this point, his brain is so far gone, I think he thinks if he yells something louder, it makes it true, when it’s still the same old lie. 

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Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes health, sport, tech, and more. Some of her favorite topics include the latest trends in fitness and wellness, the best ways to use technology to improve your life, and the latest developments in medical research.

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