Biden Almost Face Plants Coming Off Helicopter, While Trump Lights It Up in New York


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Thursday brought visuals that showed just how stark the 2024 choice is. 

As my colleague Bob Hoge reported, former President Donald Trump spent the day in court dealing with ridiculous lawfare. But then he seemed to gain even more energy as he visited an FDNY station bringing the crew pizza and having a great time. Media is fond of talking about Joe Biden being a “retail politician” and liking to press the flesh. But there is no comparison with the energy and then the reception that Trump gets. The Newsmax reporter was impressed by how Trump was lighting things up. 

One of the firefighters even begged Trump to “Save us, please.”

This shows the side of him that the liberal media doesn’t talk about, the reason he was such a popular figure for years before he decided to run for office — the guy who connects to the regular guy. 

READ MORE:  Trump Visits FDNY Station After Court, Buys Them Pizza. Their Response: ‘Save Us, Please.’

But then there was Joe Biden coming back from campaigning in North Carolina. Watch as he seems to slowly struggle to get down the stairs. He’s clearly having problems as he haltingly makes his way down, looking down, trying to make sure he puts each foot right. Then on the second to the last step, you can see his left foot kind of drag a bit and catch on the heel.

It also seemed like he had difficulty stepping that last step to the grass, as though it were too big for him. 

But had that foot dragged or caught just a little more he could have face-planted. He was so preoccupied with not falling that his salute to the Marine was more of a salute to the ground. 

Then Biden waved White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre over to join him to do that thing where they try to get in between the press and Joe to make sure you can’t see his stilted walk and you can’t nail him with any questions. But in this case, it didn’t help because we could still see that halting walk. Looks like the press is learning and repositioning. KJP didn’t provide much cover in this case. 

This tactic may also have the opposite effect, in that it may distract him when he already seems to be having so much difficulty and that might contribute to more incidents. They also might have been trying to put paid to the report about wanting to fire KJP, so having them appear to laugh together makes it look like everything is just dandy. 

What was odd was even as he was walking across there with her, he also tried to throw in that little half jog thing that they have him do as he walks on stage to show his vigor. It doesn’t do much to show vigor; it just looks silly, particularly here when there’s no reason for it, apart from possibly performing for the media. 

Plus now they also hid him completely on Thursday when he was leaving to go to North Carolina, as my colleague Sister Toldjah reported. They didn’t let the media through to their area on the South Lawn until Biden was already at Marine One boarding. 

This hasn’t stopped people from noting the huge differences between the two men, or all the problems that Biden has. This is part of the reason Biden keeps losing ground in the polls, with Trump not only leading in popularity but people thinking his presidency was a success while Biden’s time in office has been a failure. And that’s just going to make Biden even more unhinged. 


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Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes health, sport, tech, and more. Some of her favorite topics include the latest trends in fitness and wellness, the best ways to use technology to improve your life, and the latest developments in medical research.

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