Barry Plant joins forces with Propic for AI-driven solutions


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Barry Plant is moving towards a ‘CRM-first’ culture, after partnering with Propic as they look to use technology to streamline and grow their business.

Since adopting the corporate management system (CMS), Barry Plant has already seen an increase in their team’s productivity, significant cost savings, as well as improved data and analytics for decision-making.

Barry Plant Chief Technology Officer, Darren McCoy, said in a short space of time, the CMS had opened up a world of new opportunities for their business.

“The productivity we’ve gained on our side is incredible,” Mr McCoy said.

“Not only from a financial perspective but also from a growth perspective and for Business Development Managers (BDMs).” 

Mr McCoy said the CMS consolidated various data sources into one accessible dashboard, simplifying data management and enhancing operational efficiency.

He said the data insights had immediately helped make the entire group more effective, getting real-time insights on market data, in addition to performance, improvement and recruitment metrics.

It also allows them to optimise their listings across different portals.

He said the move to Propic’s CMS was predicted to save the company hundreds of thousands of dollars each year by cutting back on other PropTech tools and simplifying their tech stack. 

Mr McCoy said the CMS brought in a host of different sources of data and put them together in one easy-to-access dashboard.

“It’s pretty comprehensive,” he said.

Barry Plant Chief Executive Officer, Lisa Pennell, said the corporate management solution had helped streamline their franchise operations.

“We had a business challenge around the delivery of information—what information we needed and how timely that information would be,” Ms Pennell said.

“Overhauling our tech strategy and stack, Propic has actually been the silver bullet to a lot of our business challenges that would impede our growth both at the office level and the franchisor level.”

Ms Pennell said that the data insights had seen them improve in a range of different areas of their business.

“Propic’s approach is centred around customising the robust Salesforce CRM platform to meet the specific needs of each client,” she said.

“For Barry Plant, this customisation has meant real-time access to critical data, empowering the company to make informed strategic decisions. 

“We’ve been able to work with Propic to customise the Salesforce system in a way that puts real-time data, the right data, in our hands. 

“This enables us to recruit more effectively, lead more effectively, evaluate the customer journey more effectively, and assess our training needs more effectively.”

Barry Plant’s Digital Experience Manager, Emma Smith, said the transformative impact of adopting a CRM-first culture was a game-changer. 

“Over time we, as a network and as an industry, have inherited a complicated approach to technology and the way we do things,” Ms Smith said.

“By setting this standard, we are empowering our offices to be confident to use less technology, use what they have well, and leverage the power of data when done properly.”

Propic Chief Commercial Officer, David Choi, said the corporate management solution was designed to help optimise a franchise’s operations.

“Most real estate brands use traditional CRMs, which are often site-specific and independent,” Mr Choi said.

“Our system allows for the aggregation and delivery of a single customer view for a corporate or franchise group, streamlining processes and providing comprehensive data insights.”

He said there are a range of benefits to franchise groups for outsourcing these services.

“For Barry Plant, the CMS serves as a comprehensive corporate management platform, providing insights and market data,” he said.

“We effectively build the system and configure it to their requirements. 

“It almost becomes their system in short.”

He said each brand has unique components tailored to their needs.

“A good example is irrespective of if their office uses six CRMs, we can aggregate and streamline and provide that on a single platform,” he said.

“It removes the labour elements of needing to manually consolidate and pull data.”

Ms Pennell said Barry Plant chose to partner with Propic, allowing them to focus on what they do best—real estate.

“We’re a real estate company, not a tech company,” she said.

“I see businesses spend millions creating something they then have to spend a fortune maintaining. 

“It’s a distraction from the core business.”

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Nicole Lambert
Nicole Lambert
Nicole Lamber is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes about arts, entertainment, lifestyle, and home news. Nicole has been a journalist for years and loves to write about what's going on in the world.

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