Are you marketing with a blindfold on?


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I recently attended Elite Retreat where a speaker dropped a tidbit that got me thinking: TikTok uses 78 data points to form a complete picture of you. Yes, 78! Now, let’s marinate on that for a moment. How many data points are we using to understand our clients before throwing marketing dollars into the wind? Are we truly seeing the full picture, or are we, in effect, marketing with a blindfold on?

Imagine this: You walk into a room full of potential clients, but all you know about each person is potentially just their gender, and postcode. Now, try to craft a pitch that resonates perfectly with every single one of them. You might as well try to sell ice to a penguin! Yet, this is the reality for many real estate agents who approach marketing armed with only a few scraps of data and a whole lot of guesswork.

The TikTok Approach to Real Estate
Let’s take a leaf out of TikTok’s book (minus the viral dance moves unless you’re secretly practising for the next office party). TikTok doesn’t just know your age or where you live—it knows your hobbies, your quirks, your guilty pleasures, and even that one random thing you Googled at 2 AM last night. It’s like having a personal assistant who knows exactly what you want before you do.

Now, imagine applying that level of insight to our client profiles. Instead of just knowing that Jane Doe lives in a 3-bedroom house in the suburbs, what if we knew she’s passionate about eco-friendly living, she’s a backyard barbecue enthusiast, and she’s been googling properties with solar panels? Suddenly, our marketing messages aren’t just random shots in the dark—they’re personalised, meaningful, and hit the bullseye every time.

More Data Points, Less Guesswork
Here’s the deal: the more data points we gather—legally and ethically, of course—the better we can connect with our clients and on a deeper level. We’re not just selling homes; we’re selling lifestyles, dreams, and futures. And the more we know, the better we can do that.

But here’s the thing: we don’t need all 78 data points to start making a difference. Even doubling the information we currently collect can have a significant impact. Imagine knowing not just what your clients are looking for in a property, but why they’re looking, what motivates them, and what their biggest pain points are. That’s the difference between marketing that lands and marketing that flops.

Ask the Right Questions, Get the Right Data
And here’s where it gets interesting. Every time you ask a great question, a little more data is revealed. As EY puts it: “The better the question. The better the answer. The better the world works.” In real estate, the better the question, the better we understand our clients, the better we can serve them. It’s that simple.

Consider the questions you’re asking your clients. Are they surface-level, or do they dig deep into their true needs and desires? The more insightful our questions, the richer the data we collect. And with richer data, we can craft marketing strategies that are as precise as a laser beam. Imagine the power of a marketing campaign that feels like it was tailor-made for each client—because, in a way, it was.

Time to Ditch the Guesswork and Go Viral
So, as you’re plotting your next marketing move, ask yourself: Are you ready to ditch the blindfold and start seeing the full picture, or are you content with throwing marketing dollars around like confetti, hoping for a viral moment? It’s time to stop scrolling and start swiping right on the data that’ll make your marketing strategy a hit.

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Nicole Lambert
Nicole Lambert
Nicole Lamber is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes about arts, entertainment, lifestyle, and home news. Nicole has been a journalist for years and loves to write about what's going on in the world.

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