As the COVID pandemic swept across the United States and in the years that followed, scientists, informed commentators, and journalists who questioned the origin of the virus and subsequent COVID policies were summarily dismissed, censored, blacklisted, and even canceled without serious consideration.
From ineffective masks to “social distancing,” to corporate lockdowns and school closures, those among us who relied on unbiased facts and valid information have been vindicated, as one COVID canard after another has gone up in smoke.
Now, new study results published by the Journal of Infection further undermine the lies and obfuscations told by the former head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Anthony Fauci — who indignantly declared in June 2021: “Attacks on me, quite frankly, are attacks on science” — the CDC (Centers for Disease Control), and others in positions of authority, including within the federal government.
Among the most stunning, yet hardly surprising, findings (emphasis, mine).
Data were extracted from government websites. Cases and COVID-19 hospitalization and death incidence rates were calculated during the Delta and early Omicron periods in Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland and the United Kingdom, for two weeks preceding and six weeks after schools reopened. We summarized stringency of public health measures (GRI), COVID-19 vaccination rates by age and SARS-CoV-2 testing rates.
During Delta, cases increased in 2/7 sites after schools reopened, hospitalisations increased in 1/5 sites, while deaths decreased in one and increased then decreased in another. During Omicron, cases increased in 2/8 sites, hospitalisations increased in 1/6 sites and deaths increased in 1/4 sites. The hospitalisation and death rate trends that commenced before schools reopened continued on the same trajectory after schools reopened. Vaccination rates in ≥70-year-olds were 75–100% during Delta and 95–100% during Omicron. Wide variations in testing rates may explain differences in case incidence. GRI were higher and more variable during Delta than during Omicron.
Reopening schools did not change the existing trajectory of COVID-19 rates.
In other words, as George Washington University Law School Professor and political commentator Jonathan Turley put it:
We shut down our schools, without any demonstrable benefit to the country. We did, however, succeed in reducing free speech in the name of combating “disinformation.”
Precisely. According to the study, the scientists found no significant differences in reported cases:
No consistent patterns in cases, hospitalizations or deaths [were found] despite school re-openings or changes to public health measures.
Yet, the COVID scolds — with Fauci as the hood ornament of the lying clown car — dismissed challenges to their lies and incorrect assumptions and conclusions as “disinformation,” “misinformation,” and other left-wing buzzwords, when it turns out that they hid or ignored valid data and studies that ran counter to their narratives.
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Turley further observed:
The suppression of the lab theory and the targeting of dissenting scientists show the true cost of censorship and viewpoint intolerance.
The very figures claiming to battle “disinformation” were suppressing opposing views that have now been vindicated as credible. It was not only the lab theory. In my recent book, I discuss how signatories of the Great Barrington Declaration were fired or disciplined by their schools or associations for questioning COVID-19 policies.
Some experts questioned the efficacy of surgical masks, the scientific support for the six-foot rule and the necessity of shutting down schools. The government has now admitted that many of these objections were valid and that it did not have hard science to support some of the policies.
While other allies in the West did not shut down their schools, we never had any substantive debate due to the efforts of this alliance of academic, media and government figures.
And the worst part of all was the effect of shutting down schools on America’s school kids. Here’s how Turley put it:
One of the most lasting costs was born by our children who have shown both educational and psychological harm from the shutting down of schools. The study confirms what dissenters said all along: there is no evidence that this was necessary or had any benefit to society.
And there it is (was).
Yet the Biden-Harris administration and the catastrophizers in the left-wing media perpetrated the greatest hoax in our lifetime — other than the White House and its water carriers in the media feverishly working to cover up Biden’s steady cognitive decline — doing their best to pull the wool over the eyes of the American people.
Until it all fell apart.