Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Dem Primary Opponent Slams Her As Bad for Business in NY


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To say that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) knows literally nothing about running a business is to commit the greatest understatement since the Brits referred to the Blitz as “a bit of a bother.” AOC, unlike many politicians, has actually had a real job, as a bartender, but her time in Congress has been marked by hostility to all things business-related.

Her opponent in the Democrat primary, businessman Marty Dolan, is leveraging this to hammer her on the campaign trail.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Democratic primary challenger is chiming in on Kevin O’Leary’s scathing criticism of the Squad member’s leadership in her New York City district.

House candidate Marty Dolan told “Fox & Friends First” Friday that AOC has been “bad for the community” after the “Shark Tank” co-host said he “wouldn’t let her manage a candy store.”

“I think the impact of AOC’s really terrible leadership is much worse than one candy store,” Dolan said, arguing businesses have been scared away from operating in her district. “So if you’re not pro-business, it isn’t just that you’re a bad manager or a bad leader, you’re bad for the community in general.”

While AOC, as well as her fellow Squadmates, have plenty of anti-business, anti-growth ideas, one of the worst in AOC’s case was her opposition to the opening of an Amazon warehouse in her district, which denied the locals literally thousands of good-paying jobs.

Ocasio-Cortez has been criticized for waging a successful political campaign in Queens in 2020 to block Amazon from building its second headquarters there.

CEO of Job Creators Network Alfredo Ortiz told Fox News Digital at the time that her campaign cost the city “25,000 good-paying jobs” and that she “sent a message to job creators everywhere that they were no longer welcome in her city.”

O’Leary blasted Ocasio-Cortez in a recent interview, telling OutKick’s “Maintaining with Tyrus” that her district looks like a “Third World country.”

A look at Marty Dolan’s history is illustrative. While a Democrat, and to be fair only a Democrat will carry this district, Dolan describes himself as a moderate. Neither AOC nor any of her Squad mates can make that claim.

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Dolan, the son of an Argentinian refugee, decries how the radicals have too much influence in the Democratic Party today. He said:

And you hit the nail on the head, which is, the left wing of the left side of the Democratic Party is too far on the left. It’s that simple. So, the airplane is not flying straight. It’s tilted over here. The radicals have outweighed their influence in the party.

Dolan, a Wall Street investor, is challenging Rep. Ocasio-Cortez not only for her stances on economic issues but also on the grounds that the district (along with the rest of New York City) has become unsafe during her tenure. What’s interesting about this is that Ocasio-Cortez herself came to hold this seat due to her primary challenge to Rep. Joe Crowley; despite Crowley’s incumbent advantage and much larger campaign war chest, AOC managed to win the primary by burning up a lot of shoe leather and shaking a lot of hands. 

It will be interesting to see if Marty Dolan can pull off a similar upset. A continual string of reminders of how Ocasio-Cortez cost the district 25,000 Amazon jobs would be a good place to start.

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Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes health, sport, tech, and more. Some of her favorite topics include the latest trends in fitness and wellness, the best ways to use technology to improve your life, and the latest developments in medical research.

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