Absolute Legend: Hilarious Beekeeper Steals the Show After 'Bee Delay' at Dodgers/Diamondbacks Game


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As has often been said, not all heroes wear capes, nor do they all wear colorful costumes.

That was definitely the case, as it turns out, at the Major League Baseball game Tuesday that featured the Los Angeles Dodgers and the Arizona Diamondbacks, which was played at Chase Field.

Though the Diamondbacks won the game 4-3 in extra innings, it was a Phoenix pest control guy who made the save of the day and got floated as the game’s real MVP.

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Here’s what led up to beekeeper Matt Hilton getting the call:

The buzz started about five minutes before first pitch.

Mike Rock, the Diamondbacks vice president of baseball operations, got a call from the senior manager of events telling him a growing colony of bees was collecting atop the netting.

“She doesn’t usually call me about that time. I knew something was odd,” Rock said. “She said we have bees landing on the net right behind home plate. I said, How many? And she said, hundreds — no way, thousands. And I knew we had a problem.”


Diamondbacks manager Torey Lovullo and Dodgers manager Dave Roberts met with the umpires shortly after the delay began and the public address announcer told the crowd about the delay.

This is what the swarm looked like. Yikes:

When Hilton, Blue Sky Pest Control’s branch manager, arrived on the scene, he received a welcome befitting of a hero, complete with songs played in the background as he suited up and did his work, like En Vogue’s “Whatta Man” and Bonnie Tyler’s “Holding Out for a Hero”:

RedState’s own Becca Lower was at the game and shared this clip:

At various points Hilton had a little fun and raised his arms to fire up the crowd a bit more:

And in what may have been the most legendary move of all, Hilton was given the opportunity to throw out the ceremonial first pitch. Watch as he dramatically unzipped the netting of his suit and posed for the crowd prior to taking to the pitcher’s mound:

Not the best pitch, but who cared by that point?

Later, we learned that Hilton was at his son’s last t-ball game of the season when he was called in to take care of the situation. 

He even got his own press conference!

And the quote of the day from Twitter user “Kyle”:

“This man woke up this morning and went to work. He’s going to bed as a small part of baseball history. That’s awesome.”

Yes! Gotta love it. If there was ever a time we needed a red-blooded #Merica story, it is now. Thank you, Matt Hilton and, um, the bees, of course…

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Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes health, sport, tech, and more. Some of her favorite topics include the latest trends in fitness and wellness, the best ways to use technology to improve your life, and the latest developments in medical research.

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