The Fleet 500 listing serves as an industry benchmark that shows at-a-glance national comparison and celebrates your accomplishments building your fleet.
How does your commercial fleet compare with others? Fill out our Fleet 500 questionnaire to find out!
Each year, Automotive Fleet releases its annual Fleet 500 listing. Using your survey responses, we list the top fleets in the nation, and we are asking for your help to contribute to this long tradition to the fleet industry.
Click here to access our secure questionnaire. It only takes a few minutes to complete and asks about your fleet’s approximate vehicle counts, the type of vehicles it operates, and more.
This annual listing serves as an industry benchmark that shows at-a-glance national comparison and celebrates your accomplishments building your fleet.
The answers to this questionnaire will be used to help our team compile our yearly Fleet 500 listing of the largest fleets in the nation. The list will be broken down into four categories:
- Top 300 Commercial Fleets.
- Top 100 Truck Fleets.
- Top 50 Green Fleets.
- Top 50 Executive Fleets.
Already filled it out previously? We will update your numbers. This is an annual list, so we want to ensure we have the latest fleet data you can provide.
The listing is published annually in a special edition of Automotive Fleet magazine, with highlights shared on the Automotive Fleet and Work Truck websites.