3 tips for mastering client engagement using Generative AI Tools


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I first got into sales at the ripe old age of 25.

I was given a phone, a Yellow Pages, and a brief to sell modems and internet connections to lawyers.

“It’s the future.”

Of course, I was so green that I didn’t know there was a need for things like scripts and dialogues or even sales coaches that could teach you this stuff.

So, I simply picked up the phone and started giving the same awkward sales pitch to anyone who happened to answer theirs.

Slowly, I began to hate my job because nobody wanted to talk to me, and it seemed like rejection after rejection.

And… I had begun to think that being in sales was just not for me, even though I was selling a product at that point in time that everyone should have wanted.

It should have been as easy as “shooting fish in a barrel”.

I did leave that job, but it wasn’t until much later that I realised what was going on:

  1. I really had no idea who I was talking to as back then, we couldn’t just look them up on Linkedin before a sales call, and
  2. I was pretty much using the same lines on everyone – a cringe-worthy one size fits all approach.

It was only when I went to work for a much larger multi-national company who invested in sales training did I realise there were different types of buyer personas out there who would warm to very different approaches.

If you’ve ever been ‘DISC’ profiled, you’ll know what I am talking about.

This plays out in the sales world in all sorts of ways, and depending on the profile of the person you are selling to, here are some examples of things you could consider.

  • D types = get to the point quickly, don’t waste time, let them decide between options
  • I types = show plenty of proof points as their personal reputation matters
  • S types = offer reassurance you’ll be there for them to talk about anything whenever they need you
  • C types = be ready to back up anything you say with data.

Now, you can’t walk up to a sales prospect and ask them to tell you their DISC profile, but we were trained like Mi5 operatives to make educated guesses.

I can tell you this:

  • Learning how to use this information was an absolute game-changer for communication in general.
  • It was even more helpful when putting together proposals, negotiating, or pitching in person.

We started reading the rooms and using these techniques, and eventually, as a team, we started hearing “yes” from our prospects way more often.

While DISC profiling was revolutionary for its time, today’s AI tools take this personalisation to a whole new level, offering deeper insights with less effort.

In fact, what if I told you that you could access this type of intel without the big-ticket training for a $49 monthly subscription to a tool called Crystal Knows?

This tool has analysed almost everyone with a LinkedIn Profile and can tell you whether you should highlight your stability and security as a brand or be warm and personal.

It can tell you whether you should address risks and concerns up front and why you shouldn’t gloss over logistics.

For instance, before a call with a new prospect, I can quickly check their Crystal Knows profile.

If it suggests they prefer direct communication, I know to skip the small talk and get straight to the point.

This is just one solution out there that is available to us thanks to AI, and if you’re in sales (which we all are!) this means it’s a great time to be alive!

While tools like Crystal Knows offer valuable insights, they’re just the beginning of what AI can do for client engagement.

Let’s explore three practical ways you can leverage AI to enhance your interactions and boost your client engagement:

Tip 1: Personalise interactions with AI-generated content.

This might sound like a contradiction in terms, but really, it’s not.

In normal times, we would receive an email and write something back—and depending on our personal state at the time, it could be well thought out or a hasty reply someone takes the wrong way.

AI tools like Crystal now enable us to tailor our communication to each client’s preferences.

By leveraging this data, we can write emails and responses that resonate more effectively with how our clients prefer to be addressed.

Imagine walking into a listing presentation armed with insights about your prospect’s communication style.

You could establish trust and build rapport more quickly, potentially increasing your success rate in winning listings.

This personalised approach, powered by AI, could be the edge you need to differentiate in a competitive market.

Tip 2: Use AI to analyse client feedback for continual improvement.

In today’s data-driven world, client feedback is a goldmine of insights.

But when you’re juggling multiple listings and clients, who has time to sift through dozens or even hundreds of reviews? This is where AI becomes your secret weapon.

Let’s say you’ve amassed 50 Google Reviews over the past year. Instead of skimming them or cherry-picking the best ones, try this:

  1. Copy all your reviews into a document.
  2. Feed them into an AI tool like ChatGPT or Claude.
  3. Ask the AI to analyse the reviews and provide:
    • Top 3 strengths mentioned by clients
    • Top 3 areas for improvement
    • Any recurring themes or patterns
    • Suggestions for how to address the areas of improvement

For example, you might discover that clients consistently praise your responsiveness but rate you poorly on market knowledge.

Armed with this insight, you could address this through team training.

But why stop there? Take it a step further:

  1. Analyse your top competitors’ reviews using the same method.
  2. Compare their strengths and weaknesses to yours.
  3. Ask the AI to suggest ways you can differentiate your service based on these insights.

You might find that while you and your competitors all score high on local market knowledge, you have a unique edge in staging and presentation.

This could become a key selling point in your marketing materials and listing presentations.

By using AI to analyse client feedback, you’re not just gathering data – you’re gaining actionable insights that can elevate your service, address pain points, and set you apart in a crowded market.

It’s like having a team of analysts working around the clock to help you refine and improve your business strategy.

Tip 3: Automate responses to common client inquiries.

Lately, I’ve been leveraging an AI-powered voicemail system called “Lucy,” developed by the innovative Australian company “Curious Thing.”

This intelligent assistant has revolutionised how I manage incoming calls when I’m unavailable.

When a call goes unanswered, Lucy steps in seamlessly.

She introduces herself as an AI assistant and offers callers options: leave a message, provide an email address, or get immediate answers to common queries.

But Lucy’s capabilities extend far beyond basic message-taking.

Imagine this scenario: A potential buyer calls about a property while you’re in the middle of a listing presentation. Instead of missing out on this lead, Lucy can:

  1. Provide up-to-date information on upcoming open home times
  2. Answer frequently asked questions about the property’s features
  3. Offer to schedule a callback at a time convenient for the caller
  4. Send an automated email with property details and your contact information

By handling these routine inquiries, Lucy frees you up to focus on high-value, face-to-face interactions with clients.

Implementing an AI solution like Lucy isn’t just about efficiency—it’s about enhancing your client service.

It demonstrates that your business is technologically adept and committed to responsiveness, even outside of business hours.

This level of service can also set you apart in a competitive real estate market, turning missed calls into opportunities and leaving a lasting impression on potential clients

It’s only the beginning

As we’ve explored in this article, AI tools are supercharging client engagement in real estate.

From personalising interactions to analysing feedback and automating responses, these technologies offer immense potential to enhance your business operations and client relationships.

However, it’s important to remember that these three tips are just the beginning.

The world of AI is vast and rapidly evolving, with new applications emerging constantly.

As a real estate professional, staying ahead of these trends can give you a significant competitive edge.

That’s why continuous learning and adaptation are crucial in this AI-driven landscape.

Many agents find themselves wondering: ‘How can I fully leverage AI in my real estate business? What other tools are out there? How do I implement these technologies effectively?’

To address these questions and help real estate professionals navigate the age of AI, I’ve developed a comprehensive course: AI Powered Agents. This course goes beyond the basics we’ve covered here, diving deep into:

  • Cutting-edge AI tools specifically designed for real estate professionals
  • Step-by-step guides on implementing AI in your daily operations
  • Advanced strategies for using AI to close more deals and increase your commissions
  • Exclusive insights on upcoming AI trends that will shape the future of real estate

If you’d prefer to dip your toes more gently in the water and learn more about practical prompting for property, we have a challenge running from 1 November to 30 November.

To register, click this link

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Nicole Lambert
Nicole Lambert
Nicole Lamber is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes about arts, entertainment, lifestyle, and home news. Nicole has been a journalist for years and loves to write about what's going on in the world.

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