WATCH: Watters Demolishes Kamala's Border Remarks


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I don’t know who is wielding the power behind the Kamala Harris campaign but they aren’t very good at it. 

They finally decided that she needed to get to the border and at least pretend like she cared because her numbers on the issue are so bad. It’s far too late at this point, but if she’s going to go there, she should be fully focusing on border security — that’s what Americans want to hear. 

Instead, they also had her talking about “pathways to citizenship” and how illegal aliens “deserve” a system that works even though Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have created a system that doesn’t work for Americans. 

Not exactly an intelligent political move and it’s already being ripped to shreds. 


Kamala’s Border Speech Goes Off the Rails, Reveals the Real Goal

WATCH: Harris Barely Bothers to Speak During Her 1st Visit to the Border in AZ; Arizonan Calls Her ‘Liar’

Fox’s Jesse Watters ripped it to shreds as probably one of the more ridiculous speeches we’ve ever heard from a politician, and that’s including Kamala Harris.

Watters noted that she doesn’t take border security seriously as she claimed because she’s been in power and hasn’t done anything. She says she we must reform our immigration system, he said they had power for two years in the White House and Congress, but they concentrated on passing Green New deal stuff. 

She praised the Border Patrol. They do not praise her in return, and instead they criticize her because they think she has not done the job and she’s a failure. So why would anyone put her back in office when she’s failed at the one main job she was given? 

Harris says she wants more Border Patrol agents but that doesn’t help if all they are being tasked to do is process the illegal aliens into the country faster, Watters said. Watters pointed out how the border bill she supports doesn’t actually address the problem.

Then there’s one of her main claims that she’s been tough on cartels. Watters asks her to explain how, give an example. Most of the media never presses her on this question: what has she actually done to stop cartels? In fact, she and Biden have enriched the cartels by opening the doors to the border — the cartels are making money on all the people they are smuggling in, “more money” than they ever made before, Watters explained. 

“She says she wants an “orderly and secure” process,” Watters said. But then he points to the new report on all the hundreds of thousands of criminals, including murderers and rapists that had been let into the country, how is any of that secure? This is shocking. 

READ MORE: Kamala Harris Hardest Hit After ICE Releases Stunning Data on Convicted Illegals Still in the US

Watters also ripped her claim that she wanted to do something about fentanyl by making a deal with China. He said Biden had already claimed that — how did that work? “Fentanyl kept coming,” Watters said. 

Watters explains how Harris claimed her “highest priority” was the lives of the American people. But how that was a lie when she hasn’t mentioned their names or called them. Then she wraps up by talking about a “pathway to citizenship” — her real goal. 

It’s been a real failure and her visit just highlights that. 

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Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes health, sport, tech, and more. Some of her favorite topics include the latest trends in fitness and wellness, the best ways to use technology to improve your life, and the latest developments in medical research.

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