MSNBC Tries to School Union Workers About the Election, but Gets a Lesson Instead


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There are a lot of flashing trouble signs for the Kamala Harris campaign. 

One of the main ones is how they just lost the Teamsters endorsement. Democrats have gotten the Teamsters endorsement for decades, regardless of the candidate. Yet in the case of Kamala Harris they decided not to endorse, while also releasing the results of online and telephone polls that show most of their members support former President Donald Trump. 

It wasn’t just the Teamsters, as I wrote, but other union workers weren’t on board the Democratic train either and were supporting Trump, including members of the UAW, the Steamfitters, and even members of the Hollywood IATSE. 

READ MORE: First There Was the Teamsters Poll, Now There Are Even More Union Members for Trump

Teamsters Members Overwhelmingly Voted to Endorse Trump, But Leadership Wimped Out

Democrats are losing these union members for the same reason they’re losing black, Hispanic, and young voters — because Democrats don’t seem to care about the issues that are important to the workers. Their policies are bad on those basic issues — the economy, the border, and chaos in the world. 

So it was something to watch a segment from MSNBC where Alex Wagner interviewed union workers in Michigan. She acted as though they were ignorant and needed to be informed as to what was going on. She was asking them about Jan. 6, because that’s essential to the big Democratic fear narrative about Trump. But the response was great — she got schooled instead. She asked one member about the “criminal charges.” It wasn’t what she was hoping for:

“Feb. 6?” he asked. Now I suspect he was putting her on a bit. But either way, he was telling her very definitively “No,” it’s not factoring into how he’s going to vote. No matter what the Democratic/media mantra is. 

The next guy also doesn’t give her the answer she’d like to hear. Yes, he knows about it, he says, but it clearly isn’t factoring into his thoughts with the election either. People felt strongly, it happens, he said. 

The Democrats and the media want it to be the most important thing, that’s their mantra. But to most folks it isn’t. As our friends at our sister site Twitchy noted, Liz Cheney has to be the hardest hit. And while the Democrats are focused on that and demonizing Trump, they’re not focused on doing anything about things like inflation or the border, except to lie about them and make them worse. 

Then another union worker told her he was concerned about immigration. He didn’t think Kamala Harris had done much to make things better, and he was supporting Trump. 

She didn’t seem to understand why he or other Michigan union workers would care, noting he wasn’t from a border state. Maybe, because illegal aliens are affecting every state now, Alex? It’s one of the top issues in the country for voters. Maybe you should care about it too? 

How do they think the workers are going to feel when they see the segment where MSNBC treats them like they’re ignorant? 

The worker was actually kinder to Harris than she deserved, since it isn’t just that she hasn’t done much to fix it, it’s that she actively broke it and wants the influx to continue. But he wants it to change, and he said he was leaning toward Trump because of his prior actions in office on the issue. 

That’s the thing that MSNBC and the Democrats can’t get around. Democrats have actively made things worse than what it was under Trump. People know it — they lived it. 

You can’t try to buffalo them now. 

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Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes health, sport, tech, and more. Some of her favorite topics include the latest trends in fitness and wellness, the best ways to use technology to improve your life, and the latest developments in medical research.

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