Mother of Woman Raped and Murdered by Illegal Immigrant Gives Heartbreaking Testimony Before Congress


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Patty Morin, whose daughter was raped and murdered by an illegal immigrant, testified before Congress for the second time as the border crisis remains a significant problem facing the nation.

The mother gave a heartbreaking testimony recounting the moment she found out her daughter had been killed. Her remarks demonstrated the human toll the border crisis has had on far too many Americans due to the Biden-Harris administration’s failure to address immigration.

We got the phone call, and the phone call went something like this. “Hello, Mom. There’s somebody here that’d like to speak to you.” “Okay. Hello.” “Hello, Mrs. Morin. This is Detective So-and-so. There’s no easy way to tell you this. We found your daughter’s body.” I had just learned a few hours earlier that she was missing. We didn’t know she was missing. She went on a trail in our town that’s very public, very small, and we walked it for over 25 years. She grew up walking this trail. An illegal immigrant that was a gotaway from El Salvador had waited for her on the trail. I was told that they grabbed her, dragged her through the woods, raped her, strangled her, murdered her. We were told that her body was blanketed in bruises. I can tell you from looking at her when I went to the funeral home that it was probably the most graphic thing that I’ve ever seen.

Morin further explained that the suspect “stuffed her in a drain pipe” and noted that “It took ten months for them to find this suspected illegal immigrant.”

The authorities used DNA to identify the alleged perpetrator, who had also assaulted a nine-year-old and her mother in Los Angeles, according to Morin.

“If they had done the border protocols that were in place but was set aside of just a simple DNA swab, they would have known that he had a Interpol warrant for murder in his home country, and that’s why he was fleeing to the United States,” she continued.

They say that the borders are safe. We live 1,800 miles away from the Southern border. They’re not safe. They’re not safe. If you have a sanctuary city in your state, you’re not safe. I just traveled up to New England. That’s where I hailed from, so I could just go get some rust. I was surprised by the amount of immigrants from the Sudan and Congo, tens of thousands that are up there. We have them coming in our northern border. We’re not safe.

Morin described her daughter, who was also a mother of five children, as “a little spitfire, tiny little redhead” as a child. After growing up, Rachel “was this vibrant, vivacious, outgoing person” and “Everybody just loved to know her.”

The hearing, titled “A Country Without Borders: How the Biden-Harris Open-Borders Policies Have Undermined Our Safety and Security” included testimony from government officials. The murder was a brutal example of how the policies of the Biden-Harris administration have affected American citizens.

Rachel Morin, a mother of five, was found murdered near the Ma and Pa Trail in Bel Air last August. Her suspected killer, Victor Martinez-Hernandez, was arrested in June in Oklahoma and charged with first-degree murder, rape, and kidnapping. Prosecutors allege he entered the U.S. illegally.

Since the tragedy, the Morin family has advocated for immediate reform to address the ongoing border crisis and the threat posed by crimes committed by individuals in the country illegally.

In her previous testimony before the House Committee on the Judiciary last week, Patty Morin stated, “It’s because of these open borders-and I realize some of you are disinterested in this because you think it’s just a partisan thing, but these are American people, these are American families, these are our children and pretty soon they will be our grandchildren.

Since President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris took office, there have been several stories chronicling instances in which illegal immigrants have committed violent crimes that have left countless families devastated. Still, the administration has failed to take significant action to address the ongoing influx of dangerous illegal immigrants into the country, which is an issue that could affect the outcome of the upcoming election.

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Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes health, sport, tech, and more. Some of her favorite topics include the latest trends in fitness and wellness, the best ways to use technology to improve your life, and the latest developments in medical research.

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