Shane Kempton: How to re-frame your inner most thoughts for success


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Why do we do what we do in our world of real estate?

Why the long hours?

Why deal with complaints?

Why do we sacrifice family time and social events?

Having a compelling answer to questions like these plays a big part in your success.

And it has to be mightier than “to just pay the bills”.

Small thinking will, more often than not, produce small results.

We need to think big to overcome the many challenges of our industry.

To be even more specific with our thinking, focussing more on what we do want and less on what we fear will happen is key to putting the odds of success in your favour.

Enter the importance of creative and compelling thinking, especially when it comes to achieving our goals.

All things are created twice

A powerful concept that underscores the importance of creative and compelling thinking is the idea that everything is created twice—first in our minds and then in reality.

And it’s not judgemental of what you choose.

If you are constantly creating “worse case scenarios” in your mind, you may just bring them to life if that’s all you think about.

Better to create  “what you do want” in your mind, and focus on that.

This principle also suggests that the more we focus on the thought of achieving our goals, or what I like to call a compelling vision, the less likely we are to be distracted by all the reasons why it won’t work, or worse, other people’s plans and agendas for us.

Personally, I have used the power of a compelling vision when I was a salesperson striving to be the best in my office, and again when I was a business owner leading my team to number one in our group.

My compelling vision was so powerful, that it pulled me through the tough days and motivated me through the challenging months.

No matter how hard it got, I could always see myself achieving my goals.

I felt the fulfilling emotions even before I had achieved the goal.

The double creation process

I first came across the importance of creative thinking and the power of a compelling vision early in my career after reading Stephen Covey’s book, ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’.

This book shifted my thinking around success and how our mind works.

In the book, Covey emphasises the importance of the habit of “beginning with the end in mind”, which aligns with the concept of double creation.

The first creation happens in our minds as we envision our goals and aspirations.

This mental creation involves detailed visualisation and planning.

The second creation is the physical manifestation of these visions, where our thoughts translate into repeated actions or habits, and ultimately, tangible outcomes.

In short, visualising our desired outcomes helps us shape our actions and decisions accordingly.

Focusing on a compelling vision

A compelling vision serves as a powerful guide, helping us stay focused and motivated.

When we have a clear and compelling vision of what we want to achieve, we are less susceptible to distractions and more likely to remain committed to our path.

This focus is crucial in our industry, where external pressures and competing agendas can easily divert our attention.

For example: Consider a real estate agent who envisions becoming the top seller in their state.

By focusing on this compelling vision, the agent plans their daily activities, marketing strategies, and client connections to align with this goal.

This disciplined focus helps the agent resist distractions and prioritise actions that move them closer to their vision.

They are more likely to go the first mile and then the extra mile to ensure they reach their desired outcomes.

Most importantly, the more they “do” the actions that align with their vision, the more they “believe” they can “be” that person.

The power of positive thinking

Our minds are mighty, but they require discipline.

In the example above, the more we focus on “being” the person and “doing” the actions required, the more we make positive steps forward.

If we do not actively direct our thoughts towards our goals, our minds can easily become preoccupied with negative outcomes and fears.

Unfortunately, the mind does not effectively process negative directives.

For example, if we focus on not being broke, our mind fixates on the concept of being broke rather than the avoidance of it.

This phenomenon occurs because our subconscious mind often ignores the word “not” and focuses on the main subject of our thoughts, which in this case is “being broke.”

For example: Let’s try something simpler and more visual to show you how our mind works.

Try not to focus on a purple cow.

Don’t focus on a purple cow.

Think about anything other than a purple cow.

I bet all your mind’s eye can see right now is a purple cow.

To remedy this, we need to discipline our minds to focus on what we do want and not on what we don’t want.

The importance of mental discipline

To harness the power of creative thinking, we must discipline our minds to focus on positive, goal-oriented thoughts – on what we actually want.

Not what we don’t want.

This means actively envisioning the outcomes we desire rather than the ones we fear.

Both Positive Psychology and Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT) have shown that by reframing negative thoughts and focusing on positive outcomes, we can broaden our sense of possibilities and open our minds to new opportunities, leading to improved performance and satisfaction.

For example: A property manager who constantly worries about tenant complaints may inadvertently create a self-fulfilling prophecy, where their anxiety leads to nervous or indecisive actions that provoke complaints.

Conversely, by focusing on creating a positive tenant experience and visualising satisfied tenants, the manager is more likely to implement proactive measures that lead to a harmonious living environment.

Practical tips for real estate professionals

Here are 4 daily habits you can implement that can assist you in achieving your goals.

1. Create a compelling vision: Spend time visualising your goals in detail.

Picture your success vividly and use this vision to guide your daily actions.

2. Focus on positive outcomes: Train your mind to focus on what you want to achieve rather than what you want to avoid.

Replace negative thoughts with positive, goal-oriented ones. Try some mindfulness techniques.

3. Stay disciplined: Regularly review and refine your vision.

Keep your goals front and centre to avoid being swayed by external distractions.

Write them down.

Display them where you can see them.

4. Seek constructive feedback: Surround yourself with positive influences and seek their feedback that reinforces your vision and goals.

Ensure you are asking for ways to improve too, not just reinforcement for what you are doing that’s working.

There is much scientific and industry-specific evidence of how creative thinking and a compelling vision can be powerful tools for your success.

Personally, I cannot think of a significant and positive outcome in my life that wasn’t first created in my mind.

By understanding that all things are created twice, first in our minds and then in reality, we can harness the power of positive thinking and mental discipline to stay focused and not be distracted when striving to achieve our goals.

Embrace this principle, focus on your compelling vision, and watch as your career and relationships flourish in ways you never imagined.

Remember the immortalised title of the speech delivered by Dr Martin Luther King “I have a dream”….What’s your dream or Compelling Vision?

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Nicole Lambert
Nicole Lambert
Nicole Lamber is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes about arts, entertainment, lifestyle, and home news. Nicole has been a journalist for years and loves to write about what's going on in the world.

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