HOT TAKES: ATF Gets Absolutely Wrecked on Social Media Over Virtue-Signaling Pride Post


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The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) on Monday decided to join the chorus of federal agencies in signaling their virtue by posting about Pride Month on social media. The responses were probably not what the agency expected.

In a post on X, the ATF declared that it was taking a moment to “express our gratitude to our LGBTQI+ colleagues for their enduring support of ATF’s mission and commitment to service” and invited users to learn about the agency’s “diverse community.”

Libertarian presidential nominee Chase Oliver slammed the ATF over its role in enacting President Joe Biden’s anti-gun agenda. He wrote, “Don’t wrap up your gun control and the violence you perpetrate in the Pride flag, you statists.”

Another user responded with a post showing the burning Branch Davidian compound in Waco, TX, which occurred after the ATF and FBI engaged in a shootout with the occupants over illegally-owned firearms. “Pretty sure they had pride in [a lot] of things in the ATF…like burning people alive including children,” the user wrote.

One user jokingly said the ATF’s announcement made him want to “buy a pretty pink gun and make sure the ATF knows nothing about it.”

This user slammed the agency, sarcastically saying that it is “comforting to know the ATF isn’t prejudiced towards the people they murder in pre dawn raids over minor paperwork errors.”

Last but not least, Rep. Mike Collins (R-GA) referenced the agency’s penchant for killing dogs during arrests.

The ATF has been an integral part of Biden’s effort to minimize gun ownership. It has created multiple rules intended to make it harder for average Americans to exercise their right to keep and bear arms.

In June 2023, the ATF imposed a rule requiring AR-15-style pistol owners to register their firearms with the agency. RedState’s Brittany Sheehan noted that failing to comply with the rule could result in a 10-year prison sentence, a $10,000 fine, or both.

Last month, 26 states filed a lawsuit against the Biden administration over a rule enacted in April 2023 requiring thousands of gun owners to register as firearms dealers even if they are not actual gun companies.

But hey, if the ATF is going to function as Biden’s anti-gun apparatus, we can at least be grateful that they don’t discriminate against members of the LGBTQ community, right?

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Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes health, sport, tech, and more. Some of her favorite topics include the latest trends in fitness and wellness, the best ways to use technology to improve your life, and the latest developments in medical research.

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