The Long March Pays Off: History of Technology in Politics


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This article is the sixth installment of the VICI Report, a comprehensive multi-part series exploring the sophisticated use of technology in political operations.  This series aims to uncover the processes, mechanisms, tools, and technologies used by Democrats to master our political processes and to develop strategies that answer and ultimately defeat their manipulations in 2024 and beyond.

Read the previous article in this series, Democrats Collude with Big Tech, which explores how Big Tech put their thumb on the scale for Democrats, or start from the beginning of our series.

The concept of the “Long March Through the Institutions,” as first promoted by the Frankfurt School of neo-communist philosophers, has profoundly influenced the tech industry, shaping its culture and political leanings. Alongside it, Critical Theory, with its roots in Marxist philosophy, emphasizes the “deconstruction” (e.g., destruction) of society and culture as a mechanism to build power structures in their image. This ideology found fertile ground in academic institutions and gradually permeated various sectors, including media, education, and technology, through the Long March strategy. This deliberate and gradual infiltration aimed to reshape these institutions from within, embedding progressive and leftist ideologies at their core.

Today, the tech industry reflects the culmination of this decades-long process. Major technology companies are not only at the forefront of innovation but also at the center of cultural and political activism. The infusion of these ideological principles has led to a workforce that is almost completely aligned with leftist extremism, influencing corporate policies and practices. This shift has significant implications for society, as the tech industry wields considerable power over information dissemination, public discourse, and digital engagement. This Long March has effectively transformed the tech industry into a powerful and dangerous vehicle for promoting and advancing “progressive” agendas, highlighting the enduring impact of Critical Theory on contemporary institutions.

Millennial Professionals Swing Hard Left

The political orientation of college graduates, particularly those entering the tech industry, has shifted dramatically to the left over the past few decades. This shift is a direct result of the pervasive influence of leftist ideologies in higher education. Academic institutions have become breeding grounds for extremist and violent thought, indoctrinating students with Critical Theory and other Marxist philosophies. These young graduates, armed with their activist zeal, carry these ideologies into the workforce, significantly impacting the professional culture of every tech company.

As millennials infiltrated the tech industry, they brought with them this fervent commitment to “progressive” causes. This never-before-seen demographic shift has translated into a new form of corporate activism, where tech companies are not merely businesses but also platforms for advancing leftist agendas. Supposedly professionals, these activists leverage their positions to influence corporate policies, push for “diversity and inclusion” initiatives, advocate for “social justice” issues, and fanatically agitate against Christians, conservatives, and the traditionally minded. The result is a tech industry that is increasingly aligned with radical extremist values, using its vast resources and influence to reshape society according to these principles.

This infiltration and subsequent transformation of the tech industry underscore the success of the Long March through the Institutions. The process of deliberate and strategic embedding of leftist ideologies within academic and corporate structures has effectively turned the tech sector into a powerful tool for promoting and enforcing a progressive agenda. The impact of this shift is severe, as the tech industry controls much of the information flow and digital infrastructure that shapes modern life. The alignment of these companies with radical leftist values poses a significant threat to traditional societal norms and the principles of free and fair discourse.

Avocado Toast and Intra-Corporate Activism

The stereotype of the entitled tech worker—transitioning seamlessly from a sheltered, theory-laden college environment to an equally insulated tech job—highlights a cultural bubble that profoundly influences political and corporate activism. These workers, rightly caricatured as enjoying luxuries like “avocado toast,” are emblematic of a generation disconnected from the gritty realities of broader society. This cultural bubble fosters a sense of moral superiority and an urgency to advocate for extremist causes, often without regard for the real-world implications.

This new workforce has initiated significant university-style protest movements even within tech companies, leveraging their positions to push for a variety of causes. These internal activists advocate for flagrantly discriminatory race and gender initiatives, fealty to the climate hoax, and “woke” social justice, often influencing corporate policies from within. The demands of these employees have led to tech companies adopting increasingly left-wing stances on various issues, reflecting the ideological leanings of their millennial workforce.

The cultural symbol of “avocado toast” juxtaposes the millennial lifestyle choices against their substantial influence in tech and corporate environments. While seemingly trivial, this symbol represents a broader trend of entitlement and detachment from the practicalities of everyday life. This detachment enables a fervent push for absurd policies within corporations, driven by idealistic but often impractical notions.

Intra-corporate activism, a totally new phenomenon, has transformed the tech industry into a battleground for ideological influence. Employees use their positions to campaign for policy changes, organize walkouts, and pressure executives to adopt radical policies. This activism extends beyond workplace issues, as tech employees increasingly demand that their companies take public stances on political and social issues.

The influence of these internal movements is substantial. Tech giants like Google, Facebook, and Amazon have made significant and famous policy shifts in response to employee activism, affecting everything from corporate governance to product development as well as forcing out anyone who even questions them. These changes, driven by a workforce steeped in this ideology, illustrate the culmination of the processes and mechanisms of the Long March through the Institutions. The tech industry’s alignment with leftist values, shaped by millennial intra-corporate activism, poses a challenge to traditional norms and has a far-reaching impact on society.

Effective Altruism

Effective Altruism (EA) is a philosophical movement that has gained significant traction within the tech industry. Fringe outside of tech, EA claims a starkly utilitarian approach, claiming to measure the “most good” through quantifiable impacts. This philosophy aims to optimize the allocation of resources to achieve the greatest possible positive effect, often through data-driven and analytical methods. However, critics argue that this reductionist view oversimplifies complex human experiences, reducing them to mere data points and neglecting the deeper ethical considerations involved.

EA seamlessly aligns with the millennial extremist ethos prevalent in Silicon Valley. The movement promotes a narrative that complex societal issues can be “solved” through technological and algorithmic methods. This perspective often overlooks the nuanced and multifaceted nature of social problems, advocating for solutions that prioritize efficiency and scalability over ethical and moral considerations. The tech industry’s embrace of EA reflects its broader ideological leanings, where leftist values are intertwined with a belief in the power of technology to effect positive change.

The movement’s credibility faced significant scrutiny with the FTX scandal. FTX, a cryptocurrency exchange led by EA proponent Sam Bankman-Fried, collapsed amidst severe financial misconduct. This scandal highlighted the potential for EA’s methods to disguise high-risk behaviors with a veneer of philanthropy. The incident challenged the integrity of EA’s ethical claims and underscored the dangers of presenting an overly utilitarian approach to complex issues. Critics argue that EA’s methods are in line with the neo-communist teachings of Critical Theory, which prioritize ideological goals over practical outcomes.

Additionally, the World Economic Forum (WEF) heavily promotes EA-style philosophies through their “Systems Leadership” initiative. This initiative advocates for comprehensive approaches to global challenges, emphasizing systemic changes and collective action, which align closely with the purported principles of Effective Altruism. The WEF’s endorsement and promotion of these ideas further embed EA principles within influential global platforms, amplifying their impact and reach.

Effective Altruism intersects with extreme left ideologies under the guise of rational and neutral activism. By using “process mastery” and sophisticated data analytics, EA proponents push agendas as fronts for deeper political motives and social engineering. The movement’s focus on measurable impacts and cost-effectiveness often masks its underlying ideological objectives, raising concerns about the true nature of its intentions.

Cancel, by Any Means Necessary

The adoption of extreme measures in political and corporate strategies has become increasingly prevalent. This approach, characterized by the willingness to employ any tactic necessary to achieve specific goals, raises significant ethical questions. The mantra of “by any means necessary” reflects a broader trend within these movements and the tech industry, where ends often justify means, regardless of the consequences. This mindset has led to a series of actions and policies that prioritize ideological victories over ethical considerations and social cohesion.

One of the most prominent manifestations of this approach is the rise of Cancel Culture. Cancel Culture involves the systematic targeting and silencing of individuals or organizations that express views contrary to progressive orthodoxy. This tactic often includes public shaming, boycotts, and efforts to remove the targeted individuals from their professional positions or social platforms. Within the tech industry, Cancel Culture has been used as a powerful tool to enforce ideological conformity and suppress dissenting opinions. The tech giants, with their control over major social media and information platforms, play a crucial role in perpetuating Cancel Culture, effectively controlling the narrative and shaping public discourse.

The rhetoric and practices associated with Cancel Culture have significant polarizing effects on public opinion. By demonizing and deplatforming those who hold contrary views, Cancel Culture fosters a climate of fear and self-censorship. Individuals and organizations become hesitant to express opinions that might attract backlash, leading to a homogenization of viewpoints and stifling of open debate. This polarization exacerbates societal and political divisions as groups retreat into echo chambers and become increasingly hostile to opposing perspectives.

The adoption of such extreme measures has profound implications for both political and corporate strategies. In politics, the willingness to engage in smear campaigns, misinformation, and outright deception has undermined public trust in democratic institutions and electoral processes. The tech industry’s complicity in these tactics, through selective enforcement of content policies and biased moderation practices, further erodes confidence in the neutrality and fairness of digital platforms.

In the corporate world, intra-corporate activism driven by radical ideologies has led to significant changes in company policies and cultures. Companies increasingly take public stances on controversial social and political issues, often bowing to the demands of a vocal minority within their workforce. This trend not only disrupts internal cohesion but also alienates segments of their customer base, creating additional divisions.

The embrace of “by any means necessary” strategies reflects a broader ideological shift driven by the Long March through the Institutions. This shift prioritizes ideological purity and the advancement of progressive agendas over traditional values of free speech, ethical behavior, and democratic engagement. The result is a more divided, polarized, and intolerant society, where power is concentrated in the hands of those who control the narrative and wield the tools of Cancel Culture.


The evolution of technology in politics has fundamentally reshaped the landscape of electoral strategies and political engagement. From the early days of Tammany Hall and the professionalization of political processes, to the sophisticated digital campaigns of today, the integration of technological advancements has been pivotal in transforming how political power is acquired and maintained.

In the 19th century, machine politics, epitomized by Tammany Hall, utilized rudimentary tactics like ballot stuffing and voter intimidation to manipulate electoral outcomes. As political processes became more professionalized, the Progressive Era brought about refined strategies that integrated union activism and criminal elements to control political operations. This era laid the groundwork for future technological innovations in political strategy.

The late 20th century marked a significant shift with the rise of the New Right, which harnessed direct mail and data analytics to mobilize supporters and raise funds. The adoption of mainframe computers enabled more precise targeting and data processing, setting the stage for the modern era of digital campaigning. The technological prowess demonstrated by conservative movements in this period prompted Democrats to develop their own sophisticated data and technology ecosystems, leading to the formation of NGP VAN and other digital platforms.

The 2008 Obama campaign exemplified the transformative power of technology in politics, with unprecedented and permanent collaboration between Democrats and major tech companies like Google and Facebook. This partnership leveraged an infusion of fanatical Millennial professionals and their intra-corporate activism with advanced data analytics and social media to a wholesale overthrow, with all implications of violence intact, of all prior paradigms of political mechanics.

From machine politics to digital campaigning, the integration of technology has been a deeply critical tool for political success and cultural manipulation. As the tech industry continues to evolve, its role in shaping these landscapes must remain a critical area of focus.

Sinistra Delenda Est!

In the next installment of the VICI Report series, we delve into the math and science behind Complex Systems as the foundations of political machines and how this knowledge gives Democrats a critical advantage.

The VICI Report and Project VICI are projects of UpHold America, led by Paul Porter (X:@PaulPorterPVB) and Jason Belich (X:@BelichJason). 

The VICI Report series is a culmination of many months of sleepless nights; the product of exhaustive research and analysis into the technologies used in politics by a Democrat adversary excessively skilled at manipulating political outcomes. Your support is critical to the success of this mission. Please visit our website, support our GiveSendGo, or join our Substack to contribute.

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Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes health, sport, tech, and more. Some of her favorite topics include the latest trends in fitness and wellness, the best ways to use technology to improve your life, and the latest developments in medical research.

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