Top Biden Donor Revealed to Be Pakistani Government Official – What Did He Get in Return?


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Ever heard of Tahir Javed? 

Nor had I, but it turns out he was one of President Biden’s biggest donors in the 2020 election – and he’s also now a Pakistani government official. Front Page’s Daniel Greenfield has the details:

Right before Election Day, Biden finally released the names of his ‘bundlers’: the big money fundraisers who backed his 2020 campaign. The David Horowitz Freedom Center’s investigative arm did some last minute sleuthing and found some interesting names on that list.

One of them was ‘Muhammad’ Tahir Javed: a Biden surrogate, Democratic National Committee deputy finance chair, and future Pakistani cabinet member.

Javed bragged that he had “raised over $2M for the Biden Harris transition team” and “recruited 30+ donors to the transition team and general campaign, four of whom were recognized along with myself… to have raised over $100,000 personally.” These donors would have likely come through Javed’s roles in various Islamic and Pakistani groups operating inside America.

Did you get that? Operating inside America. As to where Javed’s interests lie:

The Congressional Pakistan Caucus Foundation, founded by Javed, was announced at an event with Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, Rep. Eric Swalwell (who was later caught having relations with a Chinese Communist spy) and Rep. Henry Cuellar (currently indicted for bribery) with the expectation that another 37 members of Congress would also join a Pakistani ‘caucus’. Javed had donated around $15,000 to Rep. Jackson Lee, and around $9,000 to Swalwell and Cuellar.

But wait! There’s more!

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan, who called Osama bin Laden a “martyr”, declared, “Tahir Javed has been instrumental in setting up a Pakistan Congress Foundation that has played a key role in revival and activation of Congressional Pakistan Caucus at the 116th Congress”.

Does this seem like a guy who has America’s best interests at heart?

See Related: Joe Biden Is Using Your Money to Fund ‘DEI’ and ‘Misinformation’ Training for Pakistani Journalists 

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Consider Joe Biden and the Biden family’s other… arrangements, let us say, with representatives from other nations. “First son” Hunter’s dealings with Ukraine and China alone are enough to make one wonder what, precisely, Pakistan is getting in return for these generous contributions.

It’s not just the Bidens; more of the usual suspects are involved with Pakistan:

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee and Rep. Tom Suozzi visited Pakistan in 2022 and met with officials of the Islamic terror state, but it was Rep. Ilhan Omar’s trip during which she endorsed its claim to the Indian territory of Kashmir and met with Al Qaeda allies that attracted scrutiny to Javed.

Pakistan, while it protests to the contrary, isn’t a nation that has been particularly friendly to the United States. It is host to a variety of Islamic terror groups, according to the CIA, and as we have already seen, former Prime Minister Imran Khan not only sang Javed’s praises but also those of Osama bin Laden – although, in the interest of fairness, we must also note that Imran Khan is the first Pakistani Prime Minister to be removed from office through a vote of no confidence.

These kinds of donations by foreign interests are, sadly, not uncommon. But in the case of Joe Biden, there is just too much in his history, and in the history of his family, for us not to look at this “bundler” and his connection to Pakistan and wonder what may have been promised in return.

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Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes health, sport, tech, and more. Some of her favorite topics include the latest trends in fitness and wellness, the best ways to use technology to improve your life, and the latest developments in medical research.

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