Lawsuit Threat Forces Biden Officials to Reverse Denial of Memorial Day Mass at National Cemetery


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Joe Biden likes to call himself a “devout Catholic,” a laughable claim given his actions to the contrary. From staunch support of on-demand abortion to “transgender rights” and on, Biden and his administration have all but declared open warfare on Christianity from the outset of his embattled presidency.

Example: As we reported on March 30, the day before Easter, Biden declared the Christian holiday: “Transgender Day of Visibility,” saying in part:  

I call upon all Americans to join us in lifting up the lives and voices of transgender people throughout our Nation and to work toward eliminating violence and discrimination based on gender identity.

Related: Biden’s Special Proclamation for Easter Sunday Isn’t About Easter – It’s About Transgender Visibility Day

Why on Easter Sunday, Joe? A coincidence? Please.

Another example: As we reported on May 22, the National Park Service – which falls under the control of the Biden administration – denied a permit to the Knights of Columbus, a fraternal order of Catholic men, to celebrate a Memorial Day mass at a popular national cemetery.

To their credit, the Knights fought back by suing the National Park Service, including petitioning the court to grant a temporary restraining order against the NPS.

Related: Biden Administration Denies Permit to Celebrate Long-Standing Memorial Day Mass in National Cemetery

Lawyers for the Knights of Columbus wrote, in part:

The policy and the decision blocking the Knights of Columbus from continuing their long-standing religious tradition is a blatant violation of the First Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. We urge the court to grant our restraining order and allow the Knights to hold their service this Memorial Day.

Incidentally, this is the second year in a row the organization has been denied a permit at the cemetery, where they had been holding the Memorial Day mass for the past 60 years.

The National Park Service disagreed, of course, denying the Knights’ permit based on a new park policy that designates “religious services” as prohibited “demonstrations.” 

Again, please.

So, What Happened Next?

Lo and behold, after apparently considering the consequences of losing the lawsuit and setting a precedent, Biden administration officials granted a permit to allow the mass to take place on the cemetery grounds:

“The Knights are thrilled that they will be able to exercise their religious beliefs and keep this honorable tradition alive. We appreciate the tremendous support of Governor Youngkin and Attorney General Miyares in this case,” said First Liberty Senior Counsel Roger Byron.

Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares summed up the case, perfectly:

I’m pleased that the Petersburg Knights of Columbus was granted access to observe Memorial Day and gather to pray and mourn the loss of fallen military personnel. The First Amendment very clearly allows religious and non-religious groups to hold these types of gatherings on government grounds. It’s shameful and un-American that they were denied in the first place.

“Devout Catholic” Joe Biden was unavailable for comment.

The Bottom Line

Joe Biden’s dirty little non-secret secret is this: While he might very well be a Christian at some level, his desire to please (not anger) the far-left is far more important to him than whatever faith he might have — judged simply by his actions vs. his words.

Why is that? Because everything a Democrat politician supports, opposes, proposes, or rejects, can be connected to the ballot box with no more than three dots. 


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Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes health, sport, tech, and more. Some of her favorite topics include the latest trends in fitness and wellness, the best ways to use technology to improve your life, and the latest developments in medical research.

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