Squatter Hunter Flash Shelton Building an Army to Turn Squatters Out


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Flash Shelton, the renowned “Squatter Hunter,” is looking for recruits. Why? To build an army of people who, like him, are willing to take action to dispossess squatters who are living illegally in other people’s property and refusing to leave.

Flash Shelton, known as the ‘Squatter Hunter’, has revealed he is “building an Army” across the nation to help homeowners take back properties when they become squatted by “crack addicts, gang members” or other unwanted guests.

Shelton — who moves in with squatters and makes life hard for them in order to drive them out — told The Post he is in the process of hiring predominantly “ex-law enforcement” members to join and expand his Squatter Hunters team, so he has people who can help respond to work in as many states as possible.

“We are going anywhere and everywhere to take care of these squatters,” Shelton said, adding he has recieved “hundreds” of applicants to join his squad.

Mr. Shelton’s methods are not complicated but appear to be effective.

“(I) go in with a minimum of two guys.

“If I’ve got a crack house that has 20 drug addicts and gang members, or whatever, then I’m going to match them with whatever I need.”

As for what they do when they get there, that’s the fun part: After exhausting all law-enforcement and legal channels, along with trying to persuade the squatters to just leave and threatening to make them notorious on social media — after all that fails — they move in with the squatters and dig in tighter than Dick’s hatband, making the squatters uncomfortable enough that they eventually leave.

It’s at this point that Shelton, holding a lease the homeowner has drawn up for him, and carrying equipment that includes a head lamp, pepper spray and a gun – moves in with the squatters.

“I can basically become a tenant and live with them until they choose to leave on their own,” he said.

“Go in and sit on the couch and open the fridge and basically be like, ‘I don’t know what you’re doing, but this is my home now.’ 

“They’re not only surprised, they don’t know how to react.”

Mr. Shelton may well have stumbled across a good business model here.

See Related: Real Estate Mogul on Squatters: ‘Something Bad Is Going to Happen’ 

Arizona Gov. Hobbs Rejects Squatter Removal Bill, Sparking Debate Over Property Rights

We can hope — it’s likely Mr. Shelton shares this hope — that the various state legislatures will eventually make this unnecessary. We already have a trend towards this, starting with Governor Ron DeSantis in Florida. In the meantime, Flash Shelton is doing the job that the various state governments and law enforcement either can’t or won’t do, and that’s a shame since the government has only two legitimate functions: to protect the liberty and property of the citizens.

In the meantime, this is a good alternative for property owners victimized by these dirtbags. Mr. Shelton’s tactics are not violent, although he comes prepared to defend himself. He is, in effect, using the squatters’ tactics against them, and that’s just the icing on the cake.

Looking up your local laws on squatting is probably prudent, and this piece prompted me to do just that. In Alaska, one can assume ownership of an abandoned property if one lives on it unchallenged for a certain period — that being 20 years. They also have to make improvements and pay property taxes, among other things, or they revert to being mere trespassers. So we’re lucky here in the Great Land, and besides, crashing into someone’s personal property here isn’t a good way to remain unperforated. But know your local and state laws — forewarned is forearmed.

And if the worst happens, give Flash Shelton a call.

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Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden
Lisa Holden is a news writer for LinkDaddy News. She writes health, sport, tech, and more. Some of her favorite topics include the latest trends in fitness and wellness, the best ways to use technology to improve your life, and the latest developments in medical research.

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