Home Fashion & Beauty May Horoscope 2024: the 7 Signs Seeing New Beginnings This Spring

May Horoscope 2024: the 7 Signs Seeing New Beginnings This Spring

May Horoscope 2024: the 7 Signs Seeing New Beginnings This Spring


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— Illustration by Ashley Peña

After a whirlwind of transformative astrological events last month, the skies have cleared—and we can finally feel the warmth of the sun on our faces again. May is that breath of fresh air we’ve been craving. Astrology, like life, throws us curveballs and chill vibes in equal measure. While you don’t want to slam on the brakes entirely, May’s looking pretty relaxed (especially compared to the past few months). There might be a few days that feel like Atlas struggling with the weight of the world, but overall, there is a mix of stabilizing and refreshing energy to help you find your footing and invigorate your spirit.

May starts with Pluto, the cosmic makeover guru, going retrograde on May 2. Before you start sweating another planetary retrograde, remember Pluto’s slow-lane status—it spends almost half the year in retrograde. This cosmic slowdown prompts you to reflect on the journey of life—from your old self to the new experiences you might be having this year. Pluto’s been hanging out in Aquarius since late March ’23, acting like a cosmic checkpoint for a yearlong review. During Pluto retrograde, you might find yourself looking back on moments of rigidity, when your old habits died hard. Meanwhile, your new self might be itching for a change.

We’ve got a New Moon on May 7, shining its light in Taurus, signaling fresh starts for stability and security. Get ready for new opportunities in your material world and finances—think of it as a cosmic green light for the goals you’ve been eyeing. And mark your calendar for the Full Moon in Sagittarius on May 23—this celestial bulldozer will clear away all those mental roadblocks that have kept you thinking small. Picture the Moon belting out Ariana Grande, urging us all to “Break Free”!

As the month unfolds, Mercury saunters into Taurus on May 15, while Venus slides into Gemini on May 23. Mercury’s move brings clear, no-nonsense communication and sharp thinking, perfect for cutting through the fog left by April’s Mercury retrograde. And with Venus in Gemini, your relationships might get a playful makeover. Transparent conversations and breezy connections mean you can finally let go of any stress and be present instead of drowning in a sea of question marks.

We wrap up the month with a cosmic guest appearance from Jupiter, the planet of expansion, zooming into Gemini. Last time Jupiter hung out here was 2012, a year that birthed all sorts of technological and social changes. More on this later—but brace yourself for a blast of freedom and wisdom sweeping into your life around that time. As always, check out your rising sign for the most accurate forecast.


Feeling a bit off during your Aries season and its aftermath? Blame it on the heavy eclipse and Mercury retrograde vibes. But fear not, May’s rolling in with exactly what you need: a reminder of your worth and a chance to reconnect with your crew. With your cosmic cheerleader Mars sliding into your sign last month, consider it a cosmic boot to the rear, urging you to charge ahead and live large.

After some introspection and soul-searching in April, May’s your time to shine. Early in the month, keep an eye out for potential financial wins. And as we roll into the end of May, your social calendar’s lighting up. So go ahead, embrace your inner boldness and let the world see your Aries flair.


Hope you’ve been enjoying the groove of Taurus season—it’s been all about spotlighting your awesomeness. This month, you’ll feel less lost in thought and more grounded in the present moment. The New Moon kicking off the month? It’s like a cosmic slap to get you back into the swing of things, offering up chances to reclaim your power.

As we stroll through May, keep an eye out for some extra cash flowing your way. Financial opportunities might start popping up faster than you can say “bull’s-eye.” Plus, with your ruling planet shimmying into Gemini, get ready for a dash of spice in your life. Embrace the change, but remember—only dive into opportunities that truly align with your values and reflect the awesome person you are.


May’s knocking on the door with a truckload of potential for reconnecting with pals and bidding farewell to relationship drama. Fresh off the heels of a wild Mercury retrograde, you might still be feeling a tad jittery as we ease into May. Totally normal—take your time getting back into the swing of things and embrace that social butterfly status for which you’re famed. Use last month as a chance to reflect on where you stand in your community and what tweaks you might need in your relationships.

Oh, and guess what? Gemini season kicks off this month, so get ready for the spotlight to shine on you! Plus, when Jupiter swings into your sign, get set to level up from the gem you are now to a whole new, dynamic version of yourself. You’re about to unlock the next level in the game of life.


May’s shaping up to be a real treat for you. Since you’re ruled by the Moon, it’s always a good idea to keep an eye on those New and Full Moons—and this month, they’ve got your back, helping you freshen up your social scene and kick those pesky bad habits to the curb. Expect May to serve you chances to be more upfront and in the moment with your people.

This month, ditch the assumptions and embrace folks just as they are. Oh, and don’t forget to take a peek at any ruts you’ve been stuck in lately. As we near the Full Moon, shake up that routine of yours and enjoy a little more freedom in your day-to-day.


As April showers usher in May flowers, get ready for a whirlwind of learning and adventure. The sun is your cosmic captain, so you naturally groove with the seasons. This May, don’t be surprised if you find yourself basking in some well-deserved recognition at work or scoring opportunities to voice your desires for your next life chapter. As we roll into the end of the month, that energy will naturally shift toward pondering your long-term goals and dreams.

Now, I know you’re a fixed sign, which means you can sometimes be stubborn as a bull—but you’re also a fiery lion always up for a challenge. So, let’s make May all about exploring your true calling and figuring out how to make those dreams a reality. Remember, Leo, you shine brightest when you lean on the support systems around you, so don’t hesitate to tap into that cosmic cheer squad as you blaze forward on the trail of life.


Coming off that marathon of a Mercury retrograde, I bet you’re feeling a bit like a deflated balloon, huh? April had you digging deep into the caverns of your soul. But fear not—as May rolls in, you’ll start feeling that spark of motivation rekindling your fire for work and learning. You’ve got a knack for soaking up knowledge, but even you need a little push sometimes to break out of your comfort zone. So, why not treat yourself to some mini adventures this May?

Shake up your routine and discover what’s been hiding in your blind spots these past few weeks. And guess what? Toward the end of the month, your career and professional endeavors are getting a turbo boost. May’s your time to shine, Virgo. Just remember to step out of your head every once in a while and soak in the world around you. Who knows what you might discover when you do!


Phew, after all those relationship rollercoasters lately, I bet you’re craving a breather. Luckily, May’s here to help you solidify all that growth you’ve been through in your relationships. It’s time to embrace a little vulnerability and trust in those who’ve stuck by your side. With Venus as your cosmic BFF, once it swings into Gemini, get ready for a blast of that happy-go-lucky air sign energy upon which you thrive.

Go ahead, let your guard down a bit, but use that Libra judgment of yours to know when to open up. May’s not just about going through the motions—it’s about leading with purpose and intention. Give your relationships a cosmic upgrade!


May’s kicking off with a bang for you, especially with your main squeeze, Pluto, hitting the retrograde switch. This is your cosmic cue for some deep, brooding reflection—totally your jam. With Pluto calling the shots, change is practically your middle name, and May’s just the start of a cosmic makeover, making sure you’ve integrated all those shifts in your life with purpose.

Plus, with the New Moon rocking your sister sign, Taurus, early in the month, get ready for some fresh opportunities in both your professional and personal relationships. May’s all about making sure you’re on the right track to safety and security, so lead with that Scorpio intuition of yours—the compass guiding you through the maze of life.


May’s rolling in like a breath of fresh air just for you. At the start of the month, it’s all about honing in on your health and daily routines. Keep those standards high to stay on track and keep your eyes on the prize. But as we cruise toward the end of the month, get ready for a cosmic spotlight on you, thanks to the Full Moon in your sign: a reminder of who you are and how you want to show up in the world.

Additionally, with your ruling planet, Jupiter, bidding adieu to Taurus and shimmying into Gemini, get set for a major growth spurt! Your relationships are about to hit the turbo button, with potential for some serious fireworks over the next year. Let May be your time to shake off that dust, throw caution to the wind, and take a leap forward. This is a celestial game of darts—just throw some things around and see what sticks!


Get ready to vibe like never before in the coming weeks. Some stellar astrology is headed your way, promising fun and life experiences galore. Sure, you’re all about that work grind, but don’t forget to let loose and celebrate your wins along the way. However, don’t kick back too hard, because work’s gearing up big time as we approach the end of the month. Consider May a little victory lap before you dive headfirst into a summer jam-packed with work, laughter, and plenty of learning. The universe is giving you a cosmic high-five!


As May tiptoes closer, get ready to kick back and unwind. Last month nudged you to focus on your home and family, making sure you’ve got a solid foundation for where you’re at in life. Let May be your chance to slow down, take a breather, and give your home and family life one final once-over. Once you’ve settled in and everything’s shipshape, it’s time to inject some of that playful, inventive energy back into your world. Let’s reignite that spark and bring some passion back into your daily grind. Remember, Pluto also just stationed retrograde in your sign—so it is time to really evolve into the best and brightest version of yourself.


May’s rolling in with blessings for your home and family. Get ready to feel clearer in mind and more in tune with your thoughts, making it easier to chat and connect with others. With Saturn still dishing out those self-improvement lessons, it’s a relief to catch a break and settle into the changes you’ve been navigating lately. Treat May as your chance to cozy up to that sense of security and start voicing your needs to those around you. After all, communication is key, right?

Oh, and since you’re ruled by Jupiter, get set for some home and family shake-ups as the planet shifts into Gemini. Maybe it’s time to add a new member to the family, spruce up your space, or even consider a move. May is giving you an invitation to freshen up your sanctuary and make it your own.


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