I’ll be the first to admit I’ve been the victim of a “too good to be true” deal on something I’ve seen online (the Instagram ads just get me sometimes, OK?). So, if you’re an impulsive online shopper like me, I hope you’ll find some comfort in these r/ExpectationVsReality photos of people definitely NOT getting what they paid for.
1.This “crystal” mug:
Walmart / Via walmart.com
u/sleepysphynx / Via reddit.com
2.This “giant donut”:
Domino’s / Via dominos.com.au
u/Dexton2992 / Via reddit.com
3.This “bird” lamp:
Oliver Bonas / Via oliverbonas.com
u/Jethrowhitemen / Via reddit.com
4.This reindeer “yard decor”:
Ali Express / Via aliexpress.us
u/WVPrepper / Via reddit.com
5.Yet another “donut”:
Safeway / Via safeway.com
u/NeighborhoodLife3513 / Via reddit.com
6.This “knitted” sheep sweater:
FashionFlux / Via fashionflux-london.com
u/tinycryptid / Via reddit.com
7.This “Hedwig” tree topper:
PB Teen / Via pbteen.com
u/uglypatty / Via reddit.com
8.This “Nashville-style” hot honey pizza:
California Pizza Kitchen / Via businesswire.com / cpk.com
u/superdavit / Via reddit.com
9.This “Philly cheesesteak”:
Subway / Via subway.com
u/Kevoor88 / Via reddit.com
10.This “Snoop on a Stoop”:
Walmart / Via walmart.com
u/sosasharty / Via reddit.com
11.Oh, what’s that? Yup, another donut:
Tim Horton’s / Via snackandbakery.com
u/xx_kenzkenz_xx / Via reddit.com
12.This Christmas “elf kit” with a whole lot to unpack:
Temu / Via temu.com
u/masked-mommy-aria / Via reddit.com
13.This “garage-sized” snowman decal:
Temu / Via temu.com
u/MeltySmores / Via reddit.com
14.This one-way ticket to “Flavortown”:
Walmart / Via walmart.com
u/Garchonk420 / Via reddit.com
15.These “Minion” — oh, my bad — “Minon” egg custard buns:
u/laMarm0tte / Via reddit.com
u/laMarm0tte / Via reddit.com
16.These “Jordan” socks:
Nike / Via nike.com
u/Fortnite_is_terrible / Via reddit.com
17.This “sexy catsuit”:
Shein / Via euqs.shein.com
u/NataliaTemple / Via reddit.com
18.This “edible bouquet” for Mom:
Crazy Crepe Cafe / Via crazycrepefruitdelivery.com
u/captain-jacky / Via reddit.com
19.These “chocolate-covered strawberries” for Dad: