From the teen bedrooms where I found odd peace in the chaos of growing up, to the cozy studio apartment of my early adulthood where I could finally breathe, my home has always been where my heart found its center. (I promise it’s not just because I’m a Taurus.) Home is where I can take off the mask I wear for the outside world and just be. When I think about the people who inspire me the most, those whose voices live on my playlists, whose art makes me laugh or cry, whose words have the power to change my perspective on life, I feel like I know them. We’re moved by their work, but at the end of the day, we typically only see one side of these public figures.
For Black people who reach icon status, home is more than just a place to lie down; it’s a grounding refuge. Black figures in the spotlight often face excessive scrutiny; many of those we consider to be legends today have carried the unfair burden of defending not just any actions they take, but who they are in general as they walk through life. Home is a place for them to shed the weight of their public personas, a space to drop all that comes with being a “celebrity” at the doorstep, recharge, and gather the strength to return to that sometimes inhospitable outside world. To get a sense for how some of our greatest thinkers, performers, and athletes unwind in their moments outside the public eye, read on for a look at their domestic lives in 15 photos.